A couple of months ago there where 30+ likes on meme posts etc. Nowadays it seems like posts on beehaw.org are upvoted more than lemmy.ml.

Did this change come with the latest lemmy update that gave everyone those language errors?

  • Not only that the posts are the way they are, but the mods themselves are really supportive of this as well.

    What bothers me the most is that lemmy.ml removed leftist from its description about a year ago, and the communities do not list it either. Yet yogthos and others continue to spam propaganda without consequence, while for example @0x815@feddit.de gets banned for this reason. TheAnonymouseJoker’s slanders and accusations (“white supremacist”, “facist”, “nazi apologist”, “mindless drones”) aren’t removed, @Mandelorian@mander.xyz’s “Tankie” is.

    It’s just arbitrary at this point, and I’m glad my instance admin banned them from our timeline, so that I don’t have to see either of them.

    • I totally agree, they have the most toxic userbase and the most ridiculous moderation, partly attracted and supported by the devs/mods.
      Unfortunately, these instances are perceived as “official”, so, many users will be put off in the first place.
      For this reason, imho the lemmy-project will unfortunately never reach a significant range.

    •  loki   ( @loki@lemmy.ml ) 
      81 year ago

      ya, this just irks people in the wrong way. First they said they were for civil discussion, and then they were not. The lemmy developer seems onboard with all of this, and that just strains the whole environment. It’s just turning out to be polar opposite of Reddit and first impressions seems like you’re leaving one echo chamber for another.

      They allow federation and I can join other instances, but I wouldn’t be staying on Lemmy if it didn’t.