• I wouldn’t say I’m that techy and I recently jumped over to Linux Mint from Windows because it has the C-compiler gcc pre-installed and it’s UNIX seems to be a better experience for programming. It was easy to install, I find I’m going back to Windows less and less. I used to use Photoshop a lot, now I’m just using Krita. I’m lovin it so far. Only games are a problem maybe, although the game I play has a linux version, I just can’t be bothered loading yet.

    Linux Mint is supposed to be the easy for-the-layman Linux distro and that’s been my experience so far - everything has worked, no issues.

      • Yeah, okay, I am a little bit techy, but so far I haven’t had to employ any of my limited techy abilities in Linux Mint. I didn’t even notice I was using it more, it just happened over a few months that I was finding there was no need to go back to Windows. To load programs on Linux Mint I just google “How to load program X on Linux”, and there will be a page saying, type “sudo apt install <program_name>” in Terminal and it always works and I’m done. (I’m a beginner programmer who was told to try Linux for the Unix stuff) .

        If you’re a gamer, I would look up any discussion of gaming in Linux - that would be my only proviso.

        • I think the argument boils down to: Can a person who writes down their passwords in excel and calls chrome “the internet” use it. The answer is not yet. It’s better than it used to be but they is still a lot of work to be done. Typing commands in terminal is an actual non starter for my parents. In fact I would argue I don’t want them to be typing any sudo commands in terminal they got from the internet.