I currently use Brave and am curious about the pros and cons of both since I see many people recommend Firefox.

  • Brave is not your friend - if they’re willing to violate copyright law by secretly scraping websites and then selling the content in their AI, I’m sure they’re willing to sell your data if the price is high enough (if they aren’t already).

    Firefox, on the other hand, has been the most trusted browser since dial-up, and is run by a non-profit. It’s an easy choice for me.

    • Firefox is a little more complicated than that. Yes, the Mozilla Foundation is a non-profit, however it’s subsidiary the Mozilla Corporation is not. It’s better than Google but like all things, it’s worth asking where the money comes from.

      • True. OP looked like s/he wanted a simple answer so I just went with the basics, especially as there’s not a noticeable difference in basic browsing performance between the two in their current form (although I think FF is slightly faster right now).