You sure ‘bout that? I’m pretty sure he didn’t really bat an eye when slavery was in full swing, hell, if i remember right he actually endorsed it, as much as a fictional character can endorse anything.
I wasn’t really evangelizing as much as stating that the christian god endorsed slavery, Ephesians 6:5–8, Colossians 3:22–24, 1 Timothy 6:1–2, Titus 2:9–10.
Yes, the old testament has some ethically bad things in it, all Abrahamic religions share that. I’m also atheist. I just don’t make a point of commenting “fictional character” on a meme that happens to use the word “god”, not even capitalized lmao. Perhaps you aren’t aware of how much of a militant atheist you come off as. Out of curiosity, have you ever put the bible in the fiction section?
I would never read an innocuous meme comment condemning slavery and think “ah yes, time to make a point about religion being fake and bad”.
Oh I’m quite aware, all Abrahamic religions have the same base of messed up morality. I’m not religious. I just find the sort of militant atheist that would make a point of “fiction” annoying.
they’ll what now?
Flordia is changing some of its teaching to say that black people personally benefitted from slavery
Every day we stray further from gods light
You sure ‘bout that? I’m pretty sure he didn’t really bat an eye when slavery was in full swing, hell, if i remember right he actually endorsed it, as much as a fictional character can endorse anything.
it’s a meme you dip
Now now, no need to be so rude, i know it is a meme, i simply stated a fact regarding it and the context
you don’t need to evangelize your lack of a religion to me. Evangelicals are so annoying.
I wasn’t really evangelizing as much as stating that the christian god endorsed slavery, Ephesians 6:5–8, Colossians 3:22–24, 1 Timothy 6:1–2, Titus 2:9–10.
Yes, the old testament has some ethically bad things in it, all Abrahamic religions share that. I’m also atheist. I just don’t make a point of commenting “fictional character” on a meme that happens to use the word “god”, not even capitalized lmao. Perhaps you aren’t aware of how much of a militant atheist you come off as. Out of curiosity, have you ever put the bible in the fiction section?
I would never read an innocuous meme comment condemning slavery and think “ah yes, time to make a point about religion being fake and bad”.
The Christian God is a slaver, not a liberator.
The LORD instructs the Israelites to enslave.
Oh I’m quite aware, all Abrahamic religions have the same base of messed up morality. I’m not religious. I just find the sort of militant atheist that would make a point of “fiction” annoying.
Oh I’m no militant atheist, I worship the slaver God.