meme image. Top part has text on white background:

Android: file saved successfully.

Me: and where exactly it is saved


Below that is a black and white picture of a chimpanzee (or is that a bonobo?) dressed in a long sleeve shirt and smoking a cigarette, with the caption “who the fuck knows”

  • File EXPLORER. Explore your files. Best way to learn what is where. Literally go hunting and you’ll learn where things are located and then if you care enough you can learn why.

    It might be annoying but learning your devices can make it not annoying as it typically won’t change.

    • If we’re being that pedantic, Explorer is what Windows calls its own app, the actual description is File Manager.

      And to manage my files, I want this to be a straightforward, tell-me-where-you-saved-that-file experience. You can learn just as much, without it being unnecessarily annoying.

      Edit: To be clear, I don’t mean to be rude, though it does seem like it in text form.