Turned out amazing. Followed this recipe but swapped the ground ginger for fresh ginger.

EDIT: Cooking not making tofu.

  • Ah, cooking it, I thought you meant actually making it.

    I aways freeze it then press it for at least 12 hrs. Can’t stand it squidgy in the middle.

    That looks good. Agree with the ginger swap, thinks fresh is much nicer. More gingery 🤤

    • Ahh, edited that thanks! I was in a little bit of a time crunch trying to make this for my gf for a little get together she was having. First time cooking tofu so I could have done a little more research haha. Next time I will definitely press it for much longer. But it turned out surprisingly good. Thanks for the tip!

    • I’ve never frozen tofu. Is there a point to doing that for cooking or is it just to keep it ‘fresh’? I do usually press it for an hour or so before cooking. I stick slices in clean dish towels between two cutting boards and weight with whatever is handy (cast iron pan, big cans of tomatoes, boxes of wine, whatever).

      Always always always use fresh ginger. :-)

    • Do you make yours? If so, what coagulation agent do you use?

      @OP, looks great. I usually just pan fry mine with a little olive oil until it gets golden-golden/brown on the outside, which is when I drop the soy sauce. Veggies and spices I stir fry on their own.