• I assume you would also introduce a new standard with rounded numbers, metric doors are also 200x80 cm for example, and sizes of everything gets rounded in the rest of the world, too. Timber sizes differ a little between north america and the rest of the world, it is a different framework, you’d get used to it.

      • A change like that shouldn’t be done over night, you’d need to go double standard for a while, say 10-20 years depending on the sector. That way you can construct ‘ansi’ buildings while new development is slowly moving to ‘iso’, and machines get the new specs when replaced. Give a heading and industries will slowly adapt.

    • True, would just have to get accepted by the ICC and all the state legislatures who approve state wide code. I have a feeling it will be difficult to convince some of the less forward thinking states to accept metric codes that take into account the rounding…. Who knows though. I don’t know a ton about that side of things