Three former dancers allege the singer contributed to creating a hostile work environment.

      • Hey, I want to start out saying that I thank you and deeply respect you for your work on this platform. I have taken several minutes to explore this persons account on and they replied that this response was supposed to be sarcastic. That was also my initial interpretation as this reply would not make very much sense literally as bigoted/bad faith people don’t generally (in my limited experience, admins/mods have much more) call open minded people bigoted in direct response to others directly saying they are “keeping an open mind”. I did not go back far enough in their history or didn’t notice what could have caused the temp ban before. I find the person argumentative sure, but not acting in bad faith per-say nor are their stated views in many comments indicative of this. Could you, if you have the time/energy reconsider this ban and/or reply with evidence of this past bad faith that resulted in temp-ban? Thank you

        •  Lionir [he/him]   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          Looking at the modlog:

          21 days ago in response to a question thread:

          Who cares? source

          Gaywallet called it out:

          Please help me to understand how this can be interpreted as anything but rude and dismissive source

          They never responded. No action was taken.

          11 days ago :

          Right. Us stupid white people didn’t realize bad words existed! source

          I called this out:

          Your comment is in bad faith. Take a step back to consider how you interact with people. source

          They responded with:

          Your comment is racist and makes no fucking sense. Take a moment to construct an actual argument instead of just throwing around some bullshit terminology you read on the Internet. Or don’t reply to me again

          Source: modlog (because it was deleted)

          This resulted in a 4 day site-wide ban.

          Today, well, whatever this is - I see it as rage bait and just generally not a good way to start a conversation. It’s also worth mentioning that the username does not inspire good faith to begin with but that’s fairly minor. Do you still think that this should be reconsidered?