• I haven’t seen a single call to action to donate to Lemmy other than the static sidebar on desktop. Something like that would be far more helpful than complaining about previous Sync users continuing to donate to Sync. Nothing is being taken from Lemmy, Sync already had a big user base and is bringing many of them over here thanks to the app. Let’s call to action to them to donate to instances instead of complaining.

      •  h6a   ( @hernanca@beehaw.org ) 
        611 months ago

        My opinion is that what matters is how much money each part of the network receives.

        For example, instances tend to be transparent about their funding. And we can see that some of them are just months away of being out of cash. Meanwhile, we see people subscribing(!) to a very expensive app that charges $20 to remove ads (and tracking and data collecting) otherwise.

        I think is okay to keep people aware of these things. Getting defensive about it is just a waste of energy. For both sides.