• bOtH sIdEs

    This is why libs get clowned on so hard. You claim to support “the only viable left leaning political party”, and yet you’re kneecapping large swaths of people on the ground engaging in direct action advancing left leaning values. Remember, segregation wasn’t ended because black people voted, blood was spilt in the streets. Same with the LGBT community, see the stonewall uprising, aka, the first pride parade.

    I don’t care how you vote, but if you can’t see the difference between an anarchist engaging in direct action against an oppressive state and fascists doing hate crimes; well, I’d say it’s time to get off your high horse and do a little introspection.

    • yet you’re kneecapping large swaths of people on the ground engaging in direct action advancing left leaning values

      Direct action is meaningless if you’re hostile to building a coalition broad enough to actually gain any significant political power. It doesn’t matter how many lit memes anarchists and communists share on social media and how much they horn on about “direct action,” this is a democracy and without votes going to candidates who can win, it is ultimately meaningless.

      You want me to do some introspection? I did. I remember being young and convinced socialism was the way forward. Then I grew the fuck up and did some introspection.

      • Direct action is meaningless if you’re hostile to building a coalition broad enough to actually gain any significant political power.

        Spoken like someone who’s never done organizing, participated in protests or any other direct action. You’re a keyboard warrior who’s probably never even interacted with a socialist IRL.

        this is a democracy and without votes going to candidates who can win, it is ultimately meaningless.

        Not a democracy and also I already gave 2 examples showing the contrary.

        I remember being young and convinced socialism was the way forward. Then I grew the fuck up and did some introspection.

        No need to be a condescending dick. I’m also guessing I’m older than you, not that it’s relevant.

        • I’ve participated in dozens of protests. Protests with political organization can lead to change. Protests without political organization are just yelling at a wall.

          No need to be a condescending dick.

          If you don’t want someone to take offense at what you write, don’t smugly tell them to learn introspection. Act like an arrogant dick, get treated like an arrogant dick.

          • Protests with political organization can lead to change. Protests without political organization are just yelling at a wall.

            Right… I’m not sure why you think I’m not in favor of organized resistance.

            If you don’t want someone to take offense at what you write, don’t smugly tell them to learn introspection. Act like an arrogant dick, get treated like an arrogant dick.

            You were doing a “both sides” between anarchists and fascists, eerily similar to Trump, while claiming to be “left leaning”. I think my response was warranted, if not understated. But frankly, that’s plain ignorant.

            • Like I said, attempting to degrade the only left leaning political coalition means someone is hostile to any sort of positive left leaning activism. If that doesn’t describe a given anarchist, then what I said doesn’t apply to them. If it does, then they might as well be a Trumpster.

              • Who or what is this sole “left leaning political coalition”? If you’re referring to Democrats they are neither left leaning nor a coalition. They are a center-right political party. Coalition implies multiple parties. And the Democratic party isn’t exactly known for activism, unless you’re counting fundraising events.

                • Suuuuuure they’re right leaning.

                  And the Democratic party isn’t exactly known for activism

                  They’re the only hope for getting anything actually done, like the climate change actions taken by Biden. I don’t always agree with the Democratic Party, but nobody other than them or Republicans are organized better than a herd of cats or numerous enough to win office, so…

                  • They’re the only hope for getting anything actually done, like the climate change actions taken by Biden.

                    Then we’re fucked. Because idk if you’ve noticed, but the planet is still dying. We are well on our way to passing the point of no return.

                    but nobody other than them or Republicans are organized better than a herd of cats or numerous enough to win office, so…

                    This actually has nothing to do with popularity or ability to organize. Its a problem with how our constitution is written, primarily the fact that we use first passed the post, see Duverger’s law.

                  • hey’re the only hope for getting anything actually done, like the climate change actions taken by Biden.


                    You mean his approving more oil drilling than Trump?

    •  socsa   ( @socsa@lemmy.ml ) 
      1 year ago

      This is delusional. Direct action absolutely has its place, but all the things you mentioned were ultimately won at the ballot box. As it should be. Don’t let a childish revolution fetish blind you to what constitutes a viable framework for lasting progress.

      Edit - “Has.” As in he has a ball. Or she has a textbook.