• Ok, let me spell this out…

      1. Marx and Engels created the concept of Communism. They carefully defined it.

      2. No nation in the history of the world has come close to meeting the criteria/definition of Communism.

      3. You cannot pick a Communist nation because not one has ever existed. Literally. By definition.

      A dictator who lies about their dictatorship is still a dictator, just as a wolf in sheep’s clothing is still a wolf.

            • Once you’ve read some Marx, Engels, and maybe even Lenin - you can come back here and criticize the actual ideas and arguments behind Communism rather than the completely imaginary ones you’ve blindly accepted from others.

              Until then, we really have nothing more to talk about.

              • I’m less concerned with 100+ year old theory and more concerned with reality

                I mean for fascism I’m going to look at Nazi Germany, not look at ideological texts surrounding the ideals of fascists

                Reality always beats theory. You refusing to admit that communism is communism does indeed make it so that we don’t really have anything to talk about.