• I mean all the people arrested and rioting would disagree, but I imagine you’re more talking about our “liberal” politicians? In that case I would agree.

    We have corporate shills that wave a Rainbow flag and we have corporate shills that wave a Confederate flag. Then we have like maybe 3 oddballs in all of government that might actually care about people.

    • A problem of definitions. The word ‘liberal’ has a whole bunch of meanings depending on who you ask. Someone farther on the left usually uses the term to describe people who claim to support freedoms and rights for everyone, but only as long as they themselves don’t have to sacrifice a thing. People who go out to riot and get arrested for it definitely fall outside of that group.

    • Fucking Alan Dershowitz calls himself a liberal.

      Does that mean he is?


      Nor was he ever, even when he was considered in the in-group with liberals. He’s always been a right wing crank.

      What you call yourself is not a useful description of the political philosophy you hold. It just describes which tribe you consider your own, for most people.