• True. However there are certain advantages

    • WhatsApp gets only a part of your data (coz many people might be on different apps)
    • You don’t have to run WhatsApp on your device so they can’t collect that data either

    I know it’s not perfect but better than the current scenario and a step in the right direction

    • Since WhatsApp is proprietary, we don’t know if the users are the only ones who can decrypt their messages. I’ll always have to assume Meta can read everything, which is the most sensible data they could possibly collect.

      So that alone should be reason enough to avoid it.

      • Yes. I don’t endorse WhatsApp. What I meant is if you chat with 15 people out of which 5 use WhatsApp, only those 5 chats are potentially readable by Meta. Because those are the only chats which will get sent to Meta servers.

        So you have the benefit that the other 10 chats are not readable by Meta.