• I never thought that I’d see Rambo and Aqua in the same picture…

    …anyway different people are showing Meta/Facebook the middle finger vs. joining Threads. The company renaming also did a good job to make people not track “Facebook arsehole!” with other of Meta’s possessions.

    • I think its because Zuck created FB and while we dont doubt he is evil, he is evil in his lane. Privacy invading social cancer has always been his product, Meta is the 2000s version of “big tobacco”

      The “meme” of Zuck is a socially awkward robot, the meme of Elon is an attention starved diva who will do anything to try and stay relevant.

      Some people dislike Zuck, some people FUCKING HATE Elon.

  • I don’t have an ig account because I walked away from Facebook and and any other non-anonymous social media a long time ago and I just don’t want to get back in.

    For me i can see the allure of threads for those that do have an ig account and that will naturally bring others in. I will never bother because I can get the same or better in terms of content without sacrificing things I value.

    For those that do have an ig account, they’ve already given up all that data when they signed up for fb/ig so it was always going to have a good sized starting pool of content/users

    The real question is if people stay or if it acts as a springboard to other parts of the fediverse. Surely a combination of sorts