• The poverty spiked exactly as fast and exactly as much as the social programs he dismantled, he’s trying stuff out and his first speech explained that this would happen.

      I don’t believe he’s gonna pull off any kind of 2nd phase.

      • The chart below shows the ARS/USD exchange rate over the last five years.
        The peso has been in steady decline for years, with the last big drop in December, about a week before the presidential election.

        The exchange rate doesn’t tell the whole story of course, but neither does attacking Milei for dismantling Argentina’s social programs. The reason for Argentina’s ongoing problems is that the state has literally dozens (if not hundreds) of social programs that it simply cannot afford, along with regulations strangling otherwise healthy businesses. The Peronists have always ‘solved’ this problem by a) borrowing whatever they can (and then defaulting on the debt) and b) printing more money. This has unsurprisingly led to ever-increasing inflation and rampant poverty.\

        The Peronist/Kirchnerist presidential candidate (Massa) planned to counter the threatening hyperinflation by printing more money for more subsidies to counter the effects of the inflation. Let that sink in for a moment.

        The point is, Argentina’s current system of subsidies and handouts is not sustainable, and hasn’t been for decades. That’s not a political opinion but simple math: you cannot spend more than you earn forever.

        How that problem can and should be solved is of course debatable. Milei is certainly far from an ideal president, but when you bash him, keep in mind what the alternative to him would have looked like… and maybe give him a chance to prove his critics wrong if he gets Argentina’s economy back on track, which would be something the faux-left Peronistas/Kirchnerites have failed to do for the better part of eight decades now.

        (Source: xe.com)

    • Yeah. I’m hardly a fan of everything he says or does, but it’s a bit like appointing a new captain an hour after the Titanic hit the iceberg, then blaming him for not stopping the ship from sinking. Argentina was well on its way to hyperinflation long before the presidential elections.

    • I read somewhere (sorry no sauce but it seemed informed) that it’s a deliberate choice by him to appeal to working class boomers or something. Did you all know that a medium channeled his deceased dog which in turn told him to run for president?

    • Tbf, Milei isn’t a conservative, he’s a genuine AnCap, which is somehow even more pathetic. He’s tearing down everything in general, rather than trying to entrench Capitalist Power via fascism.

      Not saying this won’t lead to fascism, there’s a large chance it does, but rather than moving directly towards fascism, Miley is moving directly towards destruction of government, which will likely result in an acceleration of Capitalism to fascism.

      Edit: conservativism is terrible, but grouping AnCaps in with conservatives is like saying aspens are oak trees. Both are unique brands of stupid, but one of em has a MAGA hat and the other has a gadsden flag tattooed to their ass. Recognizing the differences between types of reactionary is useful.

    • One of the things Faux News did to build up Trump was to show the unemployment rate when Trump had 100 days in office and compare it with Obama. Obama came in after the 2008 meltdown and had [apx] 10% unemployment at 100 days. Trump came in after eight years of Obama and had [apx] 4%.