• Excel can be it’s own kind of awful, but using it with other people makes me want to jump off a bridge onto a rusty bed of nails. They move cells around, change the labels on columns, color cells with no benefit, change half a sheet to comic sans, they fucking send you back “bullshit-v1.0-good.xlsx” then ”garbage name v0.3_gooder.csv”. Jesus fuck. The shitty thing has built in version control you ignorant fuck!

  • This thread surprises me. Excel is fine, but I’ve seen people do so many silly things with it that it makes me dread having to use it. It’s like they treat every cell as its own special little canvas… Oh, you wanna randomly change the date format from mm/dd/yyyy to dd-Mmm-yy mid-column? With Excel, anything is possible.

    Maybe I just don’t work well with others.

    • It doesn’t help that Excel tries to be “smart”

      Oh, putting in a lot#? Let’s make that a date.

      Most people don’t set up an excel for what they want, they start using excel with what they have

  • Spreadsheets generally are a useful tool, no matter if it’s Excel, LibreOffice, or Google Sheets. There’s a sweet spot where the data isn’t so complicated that it justifies a full database and programming language.

    There is a point, though, where you need to admit the dataset and your manipulations of it have gotten too big. If you were wondering who was excited about the Excel row limit going from 16k to 1M back in 2010, the answer is professors of Economics. This should tell you a lot.

  •  ThePJN   ( @ThePJN@sopuli.xyz ) 
    919 days ago

    Excel is okay as long as it stays in its lane.

    It is not okay if you’ve ever worked in a printshop or do graphic design and people send in newsletters or brochures or some shit done within Excel.

    Excel is many things; it is not fit to layout documents. Blegh.

  • God is Excel good, and I feel like I’ve barely touched the VBA part making buttons for my colleagues to get to certain parts of the Excel instantly. It runs well, and gets so much information out in a unique way, Speinkled with functions that run well . And it runs quite fast for something that can do so much

    I’d say it’s the task you do on it you dislike, not the program

    • Nah, I dislike all the other people using Excel. I once saw it used for providing a deployment configuration, which then got parsed from that Excel and pushed into a repo. Like, goddamn, just let me edit the repo directly.