• It’s funny cause they legit have a terrorism problem with the once US funded IS. If you people had ever cared to see what has happened to Afghanistan after the Talibans took over you’d know that the terrorists are constantly bombing public spaces, public infrastructure etc.

    The Talibans may be extremists and fundamentalists but terrorists? That’s a CIA talking point - any violence against us, the west, is terrorism.

    The US abandoned Afghanistan in ruins after 30 years of war, bombing people and infrastructure and now they have to rebuild their country on their own, forgotten by the world. They are starving, they are extremely poor and because they are so vulnerable, the IS was able to establish itself there and terrorise the people. So I don’t get the irony here, you people are just hypocrites and don’t remember who caused all this in the first place.

      • As far as I’m concerned, the 92-01 war had the support of the US along with Russia. But that’s way besides the point I’m making.

        I didn’t mean that it’s 30 years strictly against the US, I am only saying that these people have been tortured by war for 30 years and all people care about is to call the Talibans terrorists, not the people’s suffering by the world powers’ interventions.

        Instead of playing with numbers, we could just focus on the issue of portraying every enemy of the US as a terrorist and mocking anything these people go through just because someone the west doesn’t like prevailed. Of course they are religious fundamentalists and oppressing, especially to women, but they are a legitimate government as much as you don’t like it and the people have the right to sort their society morals on their own just like the west did - it feels stupid to articulate such obvious statements, but people don’t get it.

  •  sudo   ( @sudo@programming.dev ) 
    10 days ago

    If this confuses you then you are extremely misinformed and operating on the ignorant notion that “radical Islamist” = “terrorist”. The Taliban never embraced terrorism as a tactic. Unless you’re so brainwashed that you think IEDs are terrorism. Islamic terrorism has almost exclusively been the domain of Wahhabists like Al-Queada and Islamic State

    The Taliban is currently fighting Islamic State Khorasan Province, which is largely constituted of former collaborators of the coalition government. Everyone in the region would much rather have the Taliban as a neighbor than those genocidal freaks.

    • I’m operating on the not so ignorant notion than the Taliban supported Al-Qaeda and its ways for decades, becoming a safe haven for Bin Laden and other terrorists.

      They had no issues with terrorism and supported the use of terrorism against the infidels.

      Being also targeted by other islamist terrorists doesn’t clean their history with support of international terrorism.

        • Not really.

          Firstly they never said that they would turn him to the US. They said that they would turn him to a third country. And only if irrefutable evidence of his guilt were to be provided. And they said that the only would turn Bin Laden, not any other AlQaeda members.

          Algo this happened after they US started the bombings. Before the US attacked the Talibans refused to even talk about it. And they would probably just tried to make time to start a truce until Bin Laden left the country.

          So it was actually a fake proposal and only after their previous refusal started the bombings on Afghanistan.

      • Pull your head out of your ass. Assaulting protestors is something every government does, legitimate or not. How many countries can you name that haven’t assaulted protestors? Even Jefferson’s “watering the tree of liberty” quote is about murdering protestors.

        Now if you actually read into the article you posted, the Hazari women were protesting the Taliban’s lack of response to an actual terrorist suicide bombing by ISKP. The Islamic State has been aggressively massacring Hazari’s ever since the US left. That said, its not like the Taliban are the friends of Hazari’s, they just aren’t massacring them.

  • this is the fucking problem with westoids they dont fucking know anything about anything, they think that because the largest terrorist organization on earth (the CIA) told them that Taliban are terrorist they just are, the Taliban is the fucking government of Afghanistan, do they suck? yeah about as much as a fucking black hole, are they terrorist? obviously not. Are they better than the amerikkkan occupation? obviously. Why do they suck? because amerikkka fucking made to oppose a communist revolution. Like holy fuck can yall learn literally anything about history, can u atleast know something literally anything about the countries u invade.