• Stealing billions of dollars from a country you invaded and bombed for two decades is not okay just because you don’t like the state. Collective punishment, which is what this actually constitutes, violates the Geneva Convention during war, and is unconscionable.

    Please do some introspection on whether starving children is such great “own”.

      • I have never said anything so simplistic. The reality is that this post supports the collective punishment visited on the people of Afghanistan after the US ended its two decade hot war there.

        I would hope that people be less cruel and bloodthirsty.

        • You responded to criticism of the state of women’s rights under Taliban governance with criticism of America, you absolutely said something exactly that simplistic. If the post was saying that America and/or its allies should re-invade or otherwise try to overthrow the Taliban, sure, you might have a point, but it isn’t

          •  davel [he/him]   ( @davel@lemmy.ml ) 
            10 days ago

            This has literally nothing to do with women’s rights. The US doesn’t give a flying fuck about women’s rights in Afghanistan, any more than it does in Gaza, where it’s supporting the genocide of men, women, and children alike. It doesn’t care about them in Iran either, or anywhere else.

            The US empire’s “humanitarian concerns” have always been bullshit, an excuse, a pretext.
            Neocolonial empire don’t give a fuck.

          • You responded to criticism of the state of women’s rights under Taliban governance

            That is not what I responded to. If you would re-read what I said, I am focused on the material deprivation of the entire country that is the “go broke” part of this meme and consistent with OP’s behaviors elsewhere.

            You can also see from the responses so far that the logic of collective punishment is appealing to at least a few people here.

            with criticism of America

            Afghanistan is “broke” because the US invaded it, subjected it to two decades of war, stole a huge portion of its foreign reserves when it left, and then leveraged a massive sanctions regime. The “go broke” can mean nothing other than referring to how impoverished Afghanistan has become due to these actions.

            you absolutely said something exactly that simplistic.

            I did not. Quote me if you disagree. I was pithy, there is no need to try rephrasing it on my behalf.

            If the post was saying that America and/or its allies should re-invade or otherwise try to overthrow the Taliban, sure, you might have a point, but it isn’t

            It is celebrating the government of Afghanistan being poor.

  • I find this meme to be absolutely vile.

    The good people of Afghanistan have been under violent US occupation for decades, and as their final move, the US looted the central banking reserves.

    This effectively drained the savings of everyday Afghanis. They no longer have access to their bank accounts. The US stole all the money.

    I often wonder, would the good people of Afghanistan be able to overthrow the evil leadership of the Taliban? I wish they could, but overthrowing the Taliban is much less likely when the US has left you in a state of devastation, poverty, and famine.

    Then those same western chauvinists can post memes like this, delighting in the Afghan people’s suffering after causing so much of it. Disgusting.

      •  Krono   ( @Krono@lemmy.today ) 
        10 days ago

        I never said anything at all about Afghanistan.

        You posted a meme about the current leadership of Afghanistan.

        I think it’s terrible the state if affairs.

        Then why would you post a meme smugly extolling the virtues of the current state of affairs? You can’t have it both ways.

  • Remember kids, when brown people do something bad, it’s terrorism. When white people starve an entire population after a failed occupation, that’s just because we are very concerned about misogyny. Now, starving an entire country en masse has (to my knowledge) never caused a government to be overthrown, and in this case has no chance of improving the treatment of women in the country. Nor have women in Afghanistan ever asked for sanctions, nor do they support them now that they are in place. But don’t let that fool you in to thinking we’re doing it for any reason other than to help women in Afghanistan.

    Before you respond, please take a look at my post and notice I said _nothing positive about the Taliban _. This is about the disingenuous use of women’s rights to excuse and even celebrate mass starvation.

    • The starvation is due to their country being invaded and bombed for 20 years, their foreign reserves being stolen, and massive sanctions. We are seeing collective punishment visited in the normal civilians of Afghanistan.

      The Taliban itself only came to power due to destabilization of the former (incompetent) government by the US. They were described as God-fearing freedom fighters that should be (and were) materially supported. It was only the militant Islamophobia of the post-9/11 US that led to any pretense of caring about the people of Afghanistan - and to use this as an excuse for invading and bombing them. For the record, civilians don’t benefit from getting bombed.

      Now we see this filter down into this discourse, where so long as a person can maintain sufficient hate for the Taliban, it isn’t so bad to starve 10-15 million people in Afghanistan. Taliban bad, so widespread deprivation is okay.

      The logic in this thread is, and I am not exaggerating, that used by Nazis on their occupied populations and it is why it is a war crime.