• It was fun before… like 20 years ago. Now it’s just… eh. Apple users don’t care about any of that. They want a device that “just works” and has their ecosystem. They’re trapped in it, but eh, what’s the point. They aren’t going to convert, and after converting some people you learn you just become tech support for them.

      • Seriously, does anyone think Apple users care about unlocked bootloaders and LDAC codecs? They want whatever the new iOS features are and their AirPods to work seamlessly.

        I have an Android phone and an iPhone, and they both do pretty much the same thing. I can do some things with Android that iOS can’t, but it’s nothing an average user couldn’t do without, or even know they’re missing.

        • To be fair i do care quite a bit about that. Phones just make bad computers to me. Small screen and half is used by a keyboard.

          They seem designed to frustrate me so “it just works (most times)” is the only way i can stomach owning one.

          I have a dream where apple is forced to make ios fully open source and where screen/input devices can freely stream any system/OS from a dedicated server.

          Iphones are so “cleverly” dumb it makes them usable.

          • I dunno, I had iPhone in my hand for app development, and I wanted to shoot it out of the cannon into the sun.

            You have to understand the thinking process behind the UI, and it’s not ‘intuitive’ to everyone.

            And I just couldn’t use it, it drove me crazy.

  • I have both, and the iOS integration of basic features is insane. Consider examples like… passwords; I’ll get a verification code in a text message or an email and it’ll auto populate and then delete the message. There are so many features like that, which make your phone a seamless part of the “ecosystem.” Android is the opposite. You need an app to do anything and it will require setup and it won’t work every time.

    Convenience is what matters. Bootloaders and codecs are not as important as whether my earbuds connect instantly and 100% of the time. A phone should make my life simpler. Etc.

  • I’m about to drop a really dumb question in here:

    Why do so many people dislike Apple? I have listed some of my problems with Apple (listed in no particular order):

    1. Keyboard layout
    2. I fundamentally disagree with FaceID and would prefer a fingerprint sensor
    3. Lack of customisation (you can’t even hide the finder on MacOS)
    4. Apple makes it really difficult for people to leave their ecosystem

    However, I really don’t understand why people, ordinary people, dislike Apple, other than due to being overpriced. I mean I really think physical SIM cards are a thing of the past and less secure than eSIMs since you can’t just take a physical SIM out using a pin. Although I heavily dislike the provisioning of USB 2.0 in 2024, the reality is that most of my files, even on my Android device, are transferred via networks. And yes, for the point about battery, I don’t particularly care about the battery size as much as I do the battery life. Even then, I always have a charger in my bag. It also helps that I barely use my phone.

    Once again, keep in mind this is from someone whose only Apple product is a Macbook.

    I can understand hating on Apple as a company, I was furious at how long they took to throw USB-C on things, however, often times people provide arguments that are baseless, as are several “points” listed in this image.

    Who cares about a physical capture button? Any professional required to use a camera for a living will not be using an iPhone. Who cares about physical SIM vs eSIM. Hell, I’m an advocate for eSIMs. Who cares about the unlockable bootloader? And really, with modern consumerism, who on earth is listening to hi-res wireless audio and not a song off of Spotify, YouTube, etc?

    I agree with the 120 Hz point, there is no reason a flagship phone at a a flagship price should not provide a smooth refresh rate. I partially agree with the storage point, however, the vast majority of people do not take advantage of their phone’s storage, so why would Apple be competitive here? They try to optimise for profit. I definitely agree with the point about the lack of modern USB. The lack of the 3.5mm headphone jack kinda sucks for everyone who owns devices that cannot be used with phones without this jack.

    I’m opening to listening to other people’s takes and discussing this with them.

    • for me the point about being locked into an ecosystem is reason enough.

      Some more on that:

      • Apple has actively resisted efforts by the EU to standardize
      • iPhone doesn’t allow you to install apps they haven’t approved.
      • Apple devices often refuse to interface with non-apple devices despite being physically capable.
      • You cannot easily install other OSes on Apple hardware.
      • Apple software is almost entirely closed source, and they likely have backdoors everywhere.

      I just want to own my phone man

  • Not to be an unfunny nitpicker (I don’t know why I’m denying this, that kinda the whole point), but all iphones do have lossless audio streaming via AirPlay. I’m assuming that you specifically meant Bluetooth streaming, but then you should’ve said so. Furthermore, normal aptx isn’t high resolution, only aptx HD and aptx adaptive are. The phone does support aptx HD as well, but once again, you could’ve said so from the start (though 3 characters more or less might make a significant difference to most memes, this one certainly wouldn’t have had that problem)

  • The USB transfer speed claim is misleading to say the least. The iPhone 15 was already capable of up to 10Gbps transfer speed (USB 3.0 support). You could quibble over the fact that the included cable didn’t support that (if only the USB-IF could get its shit together), but to claim the hardware doesn’t support it is a lie.

    Also, non-US iPhones support both physical SIM and eSIM.