I try to be. Children would be exhausting to parent in the current era. Humanity’s future is gloom too.

  • Humanity’s future is gloom too.

    Hasn’t been the message for the last 2000 years?

    The current era is better to raise children than many other eras where human rights didn’t existed. Although it depends on which society too. Many of those worries are very subjective. Having or not having children ultimately is a personal choice* (except when is not e.g. Rape) and neither is wrong. Whichever you chose you will miss the benefits of the other. Both have pros and cons.

  • No plans to create my own children. I’ve always felt that it’s far more important to adopt a child that’s been abandoned by an uncaring society then to make another. I don’t have any genes important enough to try to reproduce (and few people do). If you can’t find it in your heart to love a child that doesn’t contain the same genetic material as you, I think you should reconsider being a parent

  • i don’t want to have kids because i believe it’s unethical for some average joe, or in fact anyone that isn’t an expert in child psychology and child development, to subject a human being to potential lifelong trauma because “babies be cute doe”. also i think the hype is overblown. society feeds you the lie that you need to have kids to feel fulfilled and happy, but in reality there are many other ways to do that and they don’t involve a very high risk of ruining someone’s entire life. surround yourself with people you like, create a daily lifestyle that energizes and refreshes you, and spend time on your passions. one or all three of those things could involve children, but for most people they will not.

    i think refraining from raising children because “humanity’s future is gloom” isn’t entirely logical. even absolute climate catastrophe would be better than most of human history because of the technology available to us, and at worst it would be just as bad. humans have been born and lived in the worst possible conditions, they can do it in these ones too. definitely adopt though, creating children is still dumb for other reasons.

  • I don’t have kids nor do I want kids, but I try not to judge others, particularly people who aren’t super privileged, for having kids.

    Privileged (rich) people who have kids though? They kinda irk me because it’s so obvious that they know the world is fucked but they clearly have the money and privilege to keep their kids in a little bubble.

    • I’d recommend considering adopting, if you don’t mind me saying so. More paperwork sure, but way less pain for you or your partner, and they’re really usually perfectly good kids. My neice, nephew, and cousin are all adopted, and they’re no less a part of the family than anyone else.

      It makes a world of difference to a child that already exists, and you spare the unborn the existential crises our world is facing- huge win-win.

  • Yes. I’d rather be the “eccentric uncle QuentinCallaghan” to my siblings’ kids than a father to any kid in a world like this. I’m so used to having my own independence and freedom, and I’m a hedonist to some extent. Also having kids would require a relationship, and the Yellowstone volcano erupting is more likely than that.

    •  Amicese   ( @Amicchan@lemmy.ml ) OP
      2 years ago

      I put in effort to avoid having a child; but I feel like I’m tempted to compulsively have one. No one is around me right now and I didn’t have sex; so I’m safe rn.