• I want to watch the fediverse expand and grow, this seems like a perfect time to join as so many social networks are apparently wanting to milk their users for as much as they can

    Also after I switched to linux last year it has given me a great appreciation for Open Source projects

      •  Obi   ( @Obi@sopuli.xyz ) 
        1511 months ago

        I’m sure I’m not alone feeling like all these corporations slowly stole the whole internet from us like we were frogs in a boiling pot. And we let it happen because it was convenient, but now the facade is crumbling and we’re reaching late-stage.

        It’s high time to seek refuge on better shores, and while I just got here it feels like Lemmy and the Fediverse more generally might be it.

      •  scrollbars   ( @scrollbars@lemmy.ml ) 
        1211 months ago

        Yeah, it’s extremely refreshing to find online spaces that are non-extractive again where one can exist without entities trying to sell you something. You start to realize the awful way that most tech treats its users. We’ve been getting boiled alive, slowly.

    •  catacomb   ( @catacomb@beehaw.org ) 
      611 months ago

      I’m the same. I signed up to Mastodon and really liked the concept but I was never a huge fan of the Twitter format and never actually used Twitter. I wanted a Reddit equivalent and ended up here.

      Some parts, especially the apps, need a bit more polishing and I’m only saying that because I’m coming from using Infinity for Reddit. If I came from the official Reddit app the new lack of ads alone would help me ignore those quirks.

      • In my experience, I have never needed an app on Lemmy or Mastodon the way I have for Reddit or Twitter. It turns out you can actually make a web interface that is lightweight and responsive when it isn’t bogged down by a long list of arbitrary conflicting demands for data collection, advertising, and inflating corporate KPIs.

        It’s still nice to have some good apps, but it is not essential and website-ending the way it is with Reddit.

      • I really hope the Infinity Dev decides to come over here too, for a while now that app is the main way I viewed reddit and there are definitely some features that I’ll miss from it when July roles around

        Jerboa works for me so far, but imo it’s incredibly basic, and I would like a wider range of choice

        •  catacomb   ( @catacomb@beehaw.org ) 
          211 months ago

          I tried Lemur but I had a lot of issues with it. It hasn’t been updated for 9 months now and that might be why it stopped working entirely? Jerboa works most of the time but showed a few cracks when the instance I’m on was returning errors and logged me out completely a few times.

          I’d also like to see Infinity adapted for Lemmy and I wonder how easy it would be? Even if it needs to be forked, which is probably a better idea anyway, it’s a pretty great base to start from. It’s been pretty flawless for using Reddit and it’s the only reason I didn’t give up on the platform a few years ago.

          • Yeah as I understand it lemur is no longer maintained, and is not really compatable with some lemmy update or something

            Also same here in regards to infinity being the only reason I didn’t abandon reddit sooner, I don’t exactly have enough knowledge on the matter to know how hard it would be to adapt to lemmy, but at the very least it’s a start, even if it has to be forked by someone else

  • Because Reddit has fully turned to the dark side lol. It’s been trending downhill for a while now but with the recent API shenanigans it became very clear it wasn’t going to improve. So here I am lol. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to find an alt (RIP Digg).

  •  dan1101   ( @dan1101@lemmy.ml ) 
    1811 months ago

    The Android client I use will quit working at the end of the month if nothing changes. Reddit is becoming a publicly-traded corporation sometime this year, and that will no doubt cause big and mostly negative changes based on past experience. And old.reddit.com I suspect won’t last long. So this is my redoubt, I can see it’s a viable place to fall back to even if I don’t completely understand Lemmy and whether it is sustainable if a huge number of Reddit users start using it.

  •  Npenplz   ( @Npenplz@lemmy.ml ) 
    1811 months ago

    I’ve been learning to hate reddit over the past few years between:

    -its awful redesign

    -it’s focus on more social media aspects like group chats, friend lists, follower count.

    -Shutting down third party apps


    -WAY too many ads

    Basically everything that an alternative like lemmy solves

  •  Millie   ( @Millie@lemmy.ml ) 
    1811 months ago

    Obviously because RiF is shutting down.

    On the advice of someone else here I used Power Delete Suite to scrub all my posts and edit my comments to say why I’m leaving Reddit how I did it.

    I highly recommend doing it if anyone is leaving Reddit instead of just deleting their account. This way it leaves a protest message and removes content from the platform.

  • Hearing about the Reddit api stuff over the horizon gave me the kick in the rear to finally do it, but I also just wanted to explore the fediverse more and do my part to help it grow. These days news about advancing technology is usually bad news, but the fediverse is a genuinely exciting idea that’s improving our lives and giving us more agency, with no real tradeoff. With Lemmy in particular hopefully only at the beginning of a massive user surge, this is for me at least the most exciting corner of the fediverse too

    • I am same. I’m generally opposed to social media for the most part, but I made a Mastodon and a Lemmy account today. I dislike social media because I think it has a mostly negative effect on its users, but I’m hoping to be the change I want to see in the world. 😊

  •  div   ( @div@lemmy.ml ) 
    1611 months ago

    I was tired of reddit continuing to push their IPO agenda, too many influences that changed it from being what it was to a ad ridden dumpster fire.

  •  MrAegis   ( @MrAegis@lemmy.ml ) 
    1611 months ago

    I like how Lemmy is open source and you can set up your own server/instance to connect it to other instances.

    I don’t like ads.

    It’s really cool how there are separate communities very similar to Reddit/Twitter/Instagram and yet each community can actually communicate across these services with the same account.

    Reddit has gone downhill over time and their API changes were the final straw that caused me to start looking for something new.

  •  lg9001   ( @lg9001@lemmy.ml ) 
    11 months ago

    Reddit has been spiralling downhill in terms of content and the user interface, and bot accounts are increasing. The official app was also a mess, so I used Boost instead. Now that they’re planning to charge for API pulls, I’ve been pushed over the edge. I’ve moved to Lemmy as it feels like the Reddit before

  •  zekiz   ( @zekiz@lemmy.ml ) 
    1511 months ago

    Well originally because I want to have a place in case r/piracy gets banned.

    Now it’s because of reddit’s horrible decisions regarding their API

    • One tidbit about lemmy’s early history: I was originally going to contribute to another reddit clone called postmill (despite it being written in php) many years ago, but one of the things that turned me off to contributing to it, was that the creator refused to allow having torrent links. So one of my main motivations in starting it, was to allow piracy.

  • Reddexodus due to them killing 3rd-party apps in a month. I’m weaning myself off reddit, as I don’t think I could go cold turkey.

    This place seems much nicer, inherently built to mitigate a lot of what I grew to hate about reddit-- namely the various bigotries, disinformation, and, well, the Nazis. And, frankly, I’m tired of the corporate-owned social media sites (even though Reddit managed to skirt that designation for a very long time), and the idea of FOSS, federated social media that’s inherently better-moderated by people with zero tolerance for hateful people really does appeal to me.

    So, I’m here checking the place out, and we’ll see how it goes and how it grows!