• Ah yes, windows where I have to somehow figure out how to install the drivers for my network adapter before I can actually connect to the internet, on top of having to go to a different website for each device that needs a driver to find the correct one, download it and install it.

    Vs Linux, where network (and most essential) drivers are baked into the kernel, and all other drivers (for peripherals, etc) can be had via a package manager, where you can often find free and open source solutions. Also, video drivers are automatically installed with the OS (provided you are using a distro with a proper graphical installer for ease of use, cough use Endeavour cough), and automatically updated when the system is updated.

      • I had the ethernet in my desktop mobo not work when I tried upgrading to win11. Worked fine in 10 but no internet on 11.

        I also had a very difficult time getting a Xbox wireless controller adapter working on win 10 without spending about 2 hours searching.

        Windows usually works but sometimes it just fucking doesn’t. Linux isn’t perfect either but I usually don’t have issues with my Ethernet ports not working.

        • I think hiccups are going to be inevitable at times no matter what you’re using, but I don’t expect total disaster to befall you either, no matter what you’re using. I will admit that I was miffed as hell when that TPM bullshit came up when I was installing Win11 last night but a quick download of Rufus and a bootable USB installation cleared that up right quick.

      • And back at that time if you installed any flavor of Linux you were lucky if the OS install didn’t fuck itself over, also God help you find drivers, assuming that they even existed. At least xp would function.

        As of windows 10, windows will always function on pretty much any hardware out of the box. Some obscure Chinese WiFi dongles might have some issues, but main board drivers are always right there.

        Linux users have this weird echo chamber where they seem to think that Linux just works. It can but it’s a 50/50 chance that it won’t and you’ll spend hours troubleshooting. Also os updates on Linux have a high probability of borking the entire os.

        Windows, for all of it’s many many faults, generally does “just work”. It might not be perfect, but it will function.

        • And back at that time if you installed any flavor of Linux you were lucky if the OS install didn’t fuck itself over

          I was using Linux religiously back then, and this is false. As long as there’s a driver for all of your hardware, it generally worked fine.

          But that “as long as” is doing some heavy lifting. The usual suspects were pretty much the same as now: Broadcom, NeoMagic, and NVIDIA. Some cheap printers and modems were problematic as well, but if you paid for good hardware, it would probably work.

          • And that’s the rub. You have to very specifically choose your hardware for Linux. Or at least you had to back then. It’s not quite so bad now, but back then it was a real showstopper. Especially broadcom. That caused me no end of issues back in the day.

        • If you want to have some fun install Windows 10 on a hard drive. Disk usage will go to 100%. It doesn’t do this on SSDs except maybe very rarely. I’m pretty sure this is not a bug, but intentional so that people will buy a new PC. Windows 7 will run flawlessly on the same hardware. Although Linux is starting to demand higher hardware specs than it deserves.

    • I had a similar situation with my ryzen 1600 motherboard, except it was the sound card. Everytime windows updated it would dump the driver I installed and try another one that was broken. I had to keep my sound drivers on the desktop so I could reinstall them. This occurred even after I reinstalled windows 10 on a different ssd.

  • Maybe for now, but as soon as more people switch to Windows 11 or Microsoft apps that constantly show you ads and are basically spam / adware themselves, Linux will get more appealing.

    Microsoft is unfortunately learning from social media companies. Not only do you PAY for the product, you are also the product, and get your personal info stolen and get served ads even while you pay.

    It’s getting to the point where I’m seriously eyeballing Mint again, or Kubuntu. And I’m the kind of person that’s generally too lazy to even dual boot anymore.

      • As a software engineer, the nicest thing is that the whole programming ecosystem integrates with Linux. Git, SSH, Docker, you get natively in your OS. Even dumb shit like file path separators, line-endings, file permissions. Most programming languages make the assumption that you’re on a UNIX system (Linux, macOS, BSD).

        Aside from that, Linux is fucking awesome as an SE, because everything is open-source. Find a bug in a program you use? You can fix it, if you want. Want to learn how a specific program works? Just look at the source code. Or its config file. Or its logs. Everything wants to teach you about itself.

        And personally, I also just love the usability. The built-in file manager, terminal, PDF viewer etc. are good. The built-in text editor is no IDE, but it’s up-to-snuff with Notepad++.
        And I’m making these blanket statements despite there not being one built-in anything. You can choose between multiple GUI bundles (so-called “desktop environments”). From a minimal DIY setup (i3wm etc.) all the way to maximally feature-rich goodness (KDE). You don’t have to use the same limited setup as your granny uses to launch a browser. You can customize everything to your needs and you get tons of power-user features.

      • Linux by itself is just a kernel, there’s a whole range of operating systems using it. Most of them have some commonalities, but there are also huge differences. Most of them can run directly from a USB stick (or in a VM obviously), so you can try some out.

        Some things that basically all of them do very well, compared to windows:

        • mainly open source components (± some proprietary drivers and apps, if you want)

        • no ads in the OS

        • support for very old hardware, being (depending on actual OS more or less) light and resource efficient

        • very good package management

        • customizability

        There are many things that are specific to some OSes. I switched from Windows 10 years ago, and I can’t see myself going back. Everytime I have to use it somewhere, I get annoyed quickly.

        There are some drawbacks:

        • software has to be built against a specific kernel, and some proprietary software is not offered for linux. There are compatability layers for running windows software on linux without emulation, but they are mainly optimized for games (I’ve had windows-only games run faster on linux than on windows!).

        • some drivers are unavailable for linux, as the device manufacturers have to cooperate somewhat. However, almost everything will work.

        • some drivers are available, but require binary blobs distributed by the manufacturer. The proprierary NVidia drivers, for example, are faster than the open source reimplementation noveau, but they can cause problems with some software like sway. If you have an AMD gpu, their open source drivers are great, so no problems.

        Roughly all the servers (including Microsofts own cloud), half the mobile systems, lots of the larger embedded stuff and some small percentage of deksktop systems are using Linux. Again, just try something (maybe Pop!_OS or Mint) and see if you like it.

  •  jabjoe   ( @jabjoe@feddit.uk ) 
    2310 months ago

    What on earth are you guys doing having to search the internet for drivers for Linux??? You not buy things that have Linux support advertised? Not looking for good reviews by other Linux users?

    • Yeah, with the exception of some network printers and surely some other corner case I’m not thinking of now (is broadcom/realtek wifi still a problem?) - drivers are generally already there or don’t exist.

      Having said that, I remember in my early days fully not comprehending that manual driver installs were generally not a thing with Linux.

        • Manjaro on my 2 year old build detected my network printer and installed it driverless - and I’ve never had a problem. On my more recent build (different system) it sees it, but always gives “unable to locate printer” when I try to actually print. I haven’t cared enough to troubleshoot it further, but I did install the applicable drivers from the AUR to see if that helped, and it did not.

          So my current experience is pretty mixed, but at one point it was flawless, and I have no doubt it’s flawless for plenty others.

          Regardless I literally can’t remember having to even think about drivers for any other bit of hardware in at least the last ten years, so (as someone who supports Windows at work) I still think Linux wins on the driver front hands down.

  • plugging random old USB stuff into a computer:

    linux: I guess this looks kind of like a webcam. Here you go, /dev/video0

    windows: nooo! what is this?! go search for divers that dont register a hit on virustotal! see you in an hour.

    • Random old stuff is available via Windows update. You’d be hard pressed to not have it just pop up and work.

      Maybe for some old serial/parallel stuff you would have issues, but for anything USB? It’s gonna be on Windows update. The days of searching the internet for random drivers mostly died with Windows XP and pretty much completely died with Windows 7.

  • The fun part is… My printers are always recognized by Linux. Never by windows. I need to always download all kinds of stuff for windows.

    Same thing for all of the other stuff in my computer. It’s already in my Linux kernel. For windows I have to search for simple things like sound drivers!!!

    So I’d say: Linux is easier!

  •  Fluid   ( @Fluid@aussie.zone ) 
    10 months ago

    Never once had a driver issue on Mint. Literally did an entire rebuild (mobo, cpu, gpu, the works). Switched it on, everything worked perfectly, no OS reinstall or driver hunting.

    Any issues I’ve heard about, the main culprit is nvidia cause of proprietary crap. Move to AMD graphics and it’s literally plug and play.

  • F*** me, I was just setting up the Windows drivers on my old laptop to give away and it took hours of downloading proprietary freeware that kept installing random programs. It’s 100x easier on Linux or MacOS

    • Good luck if you have a laptop, where the manufacturer just shut down the servers with the drivers (Sony Vaio) and you have zero chance of getting Windows running properly.