• “Conservative Christian” is and oxymoron but having never read any Jesus, its easy to identify that way.

    First of all you don’t become a conservative Christian by being willing to read. So lets imagine DeSantis misspoke and said “The only way to ensure that Trump can violate The Constitution and overthrow our democracy is to read the New Testament and understand it”

    Here are some probable outcomes:

    • They see that Jesus is a leftist and can no longer call themselves Christian, when asked their religion they say “none, atheiest”.
    • They see that Jesus is a leftist and conclude that the bible was simply written by leftists and that it isn’t true.
    • They see that Jesus has good ideas, unconsciously redefine what conservative means to them, and stay quiet until someone they considerd a friend angrily calles them a libtard for stating one of jesuses teachings in disagreement of something thet had repeated from facebook.
    • They see that Jesus is a leftist, they trust in their lord choosing his love and reason over the hatred and fear of man and can no longer call themselves a conservative.
    • They conclude that Pontius Pilate and the Roman government where the good guys and Jesus was an evil libtard who earned his crusofiction and they start worshoping Pilate instead.
    • The whole thing goes over the readers head
    • They strengthen their belief by ignoring parts that clearly don’t fit their belief, and twisting anything that can kind of fit their beliefs.
    • There’s no such thing as ‘apolitical’. The very idea of leaving politics to our superior politicians is what brought us and keeps us in this state.

      This is not at all a political issue however. This is about not being a trash human being. Being racist is not a political opinion, it’s spreading hatred in the world and being a waste of skin.

      • I’m not arguing for or against of what the post says, I’m only saying that the designated place for funny cat pictures is probably not the right place for a meaningful discussion, sharing opinions, education or anything else but funny cat pictures.

        When i browse c/memes I want to see easily digestible posts that will make me exhale through my nose, not deep, thought provoking walls of text.

        • If you think this post is deep and thought provoking then I don’t know what to tell you. It just makes fun of american conservatives and that’s it. This post is literally just “conservatives dumb”, as easily digestible as I’ve ever seen.

              • Then you could subscribe to both communities. Think of it as having a separate category for gay and straight porn, some people are into both, some into one or the other, some into neither and because it’s in its own category everyone can pick exactly what they want to see.

                • If porn was only categorised by gender and orientation that would be great, but it’s not. There’s a million obscure communities for every single aspect of every fetish, and there’s usually zero way to include everything but feet and piss. It takes so much effort to find something fresh because you have to intentionally look up skirts, or lesbian domination, or voyeurism or what have you.

                  Maybe something you’d like is in feet, because of a brief under the table socks on tease, and that’s just a tragedy because that’s just fine.