• Twenty hours in and it’s up to me to remind people that Dolly Parton is the full package?

    • She’s got tunes, OK ‘I Will Always Love You’ is a bit cloying but the rumour is that she also wrote Jolene the same day
    • She supports other women. When porn star Julia Parton was around and telling people that she was Dolly’s cousin, Dolly’s public response was something like, ‘She ain’t my cousin but I can’t condemn what she does… it’s not like I ever tried to hide my breasts. Good luck to her.’
    • She produced Buffy The Vampire Slayer through her production company Sanddollar. She kept a low profile publicly but behind the scenes was very supportive of the show because it provided good role models for young women.
    • She funds the Dolly Parton Imagination library which mails free books to kids under five.
  • I unfortunately see a lot of white guy with a heavy (and fake) country accent does a “redneck” version of a popular rap or hip hop track and seeing other white people say “Now that’s how it should be done!”

    Modern “country” is a plague and I hate it. Its the only genre I can’t listen to.

    • I guess that’s just the next evolution. Old country was basically gospel that wasn’t about religion. Country in the 80s and 90s was basically old rock but about cowboys, trucks, beer and being cheated on. I suppose by now you have to transition to the kind of music that was the in thing in the 90s to keep up with being the appropriate number of decades behind.

    • It shocked me the first time I met a real anti-Semite, in real life, in Tennessee. I’ve worked in a lot of places all over the world and I’ve seen plenty of racism. No one else topped that guy in Tennessee. Other places racism was mostly contained to ‘they stay over there and we stay over here.’ Tons of problems but living together but apart was possible. That doesn’t speak to every experience obviously. That old guy in Tennessee wanted another Holocaust, plain and simple. Anywhere else he’d get the shit kicked out of him, there it was tolerated.

      • Had someone try to sell me on the merits of the Ku Klux Klan while working at a factory in Tennessee, I was a staunch Libertarian at the time so i guess he thought i might bite, he told me how they helped the community out and kept people safe… the guy was dead fucking serious, and when I asked him about them being racist he just changed the subject… Still feels like a fever dream…

      • I drove through Alabama once. That was enough. What a shit stain state? Experience the racism there, even if sort of second hand, was surreal. Sucks I know some people that were forced to move there.

  • Is almost the same thing with Brazilian sertanejo. Was once about the bucolic reality in the rural side of the country, now is about bragging about being rich, going to pointless parties and drinking a lot of alcoholic drinks, f-cking everyone…