•  ganymede   ( @ganymede@lemmy.ml ) 
              10 months ago

              why is that? it’s not punching down when its a billion dollar company

              I’ll bite, I down voted you because I think you’re missing the point of what the above commenters are talking about. It’s not about whether it’s punching down/up to criticize Microsoft.

              It literally started with a question.

              why is that?

              As yet noone has even answered that question.

              Why is it worse? You’ve gone to the trouble to downvote, and reply, yet still haven’t answered the question.

              Tbh most partisan camp debates in technology are pretty tiresome: ios vs android, playstation vs xbox. They all have pros and cons.

              (Even linux and windows both have their pros and cons.)

              That said, there’s a huge difference between comparing two commercial products both from competing companies vs a powerful open source tool, with almost limitless potential. Virtually ANY complaint you have about linux CAN be fixed by the public, even YOU if you put in the appropriate effort/resources.

              The fact that you can freely boot into modern hardware with something offering that kind of power & freedom openly to the public is frankly incredible.

              So tbh it’s pretty difficult to see why it is worse.

              • You’ve answered the question yourself. It’s just tiresome. It’s so exhausting to see time and time again. It’s not like it makes it not tiresome just because it’s punching up to criticize Microsoft. It’s a subjective thing, clearly some people don’t think it is tiresome so they continue to gripe about it.

                • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sapien nibh, tincidunt vel felis sed, sodales eleifend eros. Nunc commodo laoreet erat sed imperdiet. Fusce elit lectus, sagittis quis volutpat sit amet, eleifend id magna. Vivamus sed tellus sit amet nibh interdum sagittis. Sed condimentum fringilla purus, at elementum metus accumsan non. Suspendisse et libero commodo, efficitur mauris pharetra, congue felis. Sed dictum rutrum laoreet. Vestibulum ultrices vehicula pellentesque.

                  Integer hendrerit risus ante, eget accumsan enim tristique ac. Curabitur nulla erat, accumsan in sem ac, cursus pulvinar nisi. Nunc auctor condimentum est, non sollicitudin risus mattis a. Proin pretium enim et suscipit condimentum. In id egestas felis. Cras porttitor sit amet ligula quis accumsan. Donec vestibulum in dolor non venenatis. Nam at commodo sem. Nunc volutpat in ipsum facilisis pulvinar. Integer leo quam, varius vel aliquam vitae, lobortis at justo. Cras quis odio enim. Curabitur felis augue, placerat non tellus non, malesuada fermentum lectus. Proin non magna purus.

                  Quisque laoreet malesuada congue. Nulla sit amet facilisis ligula. Sed sed enim et nunc placerat porta. Cras hendrerit hendrerit quam quis luctus. Cras id feugiat quam, a semper enim. Praesent vitae nibh luctus, feugiat ante accumsan, varius libero. Aliquam sed laoreet sem. Mauris vitae sem pretium ex vulputate ultrices sed ac turpis. Pellentesque congue mi sit amet massa consectetur, ut ultrices quam varius. Donec ut dui et neque sagittis vehicula. Maecenas maximus tincidunt fermentum. Proin posuere dapibus dui quis convallis. Nulla quam mauris, posuere sed volutpat a, consectetur in ex. Morbi tortor dui, placerat bibendum nulla nec, aliquam venenatis lorem. Integer vel dignissim risus, in gravida metus.

                  Praesent vulputate metus eu ipsum sagittis fermentum. Fusce scelerisque metus vel dolor iaculis auctor. Mauris viverra suscipit sapien, quis consectetur dolor hendrerit pulvinar. Nulla dui justo, consequat nec erat quis, blandit malesuada elit. Aliquam euismod velit quam, et convallis enim tincidunt nec. Vestibulum lacinia dolor volutpat enim pulvinar pretium scelerisque eget lacus. Mauris ultrices sit amet libero ut ornare. Pellentesque eget pellentesque neque. Aenean condimentum placerat nunc sed tristique.

                  Suspendisse ultrices imperdiet nibh non venenatis. Vivamus hendrerit sem at nibh semper imperdiet. Vivamus fermentum vulputate rutrum. Aenean vitae venenatis dolor. Nulla hendrerit sapien et fermentum placerat. Fusce massa ante, dapibus et turpis eu, tempor scelerisque enim. Sed feugiat tincidunt eros, sit amet molestie tellus interdum sed. Donec condimentum a dui eu dictum. Donec pretium orci dolor, eu ornare ligula facilisis id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas ac nibh elit. In condimentum, felis at dignissim interdum, metus massa iaculis lorem, sit amet tincidunt dolor ipsum eget justo. In cursus magna elit, et mollis justo egestas eu. Mauris tristique id nunc sit amet rutrum. Donec eu lorem et lectus imperdiet pharetra at eu diam.

    •  TehPers   ( @TehPers@beehaw.org ) 
      110 months ago

      The whole green vs blue bubble thing has to be the most idiotic debate I’ve ever seen in my life. At least here people seem to be comparing real features, but still just buy whatever has what you want. Especially when iPhone 15 comes out with USB-C charging.

    • There’s a new protocol for smart home devices called Matter, that let’s them work across ecosystems (so for example smart lights set up with Google Home could be controlled through Apple HomeKit via Matter). Thread is part of how Matter devices communicate with each other (instead of e.g. WiFi or Bluetooth). The new iPhones can directly use Thread instead of needing another devices to act as a bridge to “translate” the commands

      A fairly niche addition, but definitely not useless. And a big plus for those into smart home stuff

      • Huh. Did a little reading and it honestly does sound pretty useful. I’m not crazy about the corporate sponsorship of the consortium but there’s a lot of open source licensing to promote adoption so it’s not all bad. Neat. I could get behind doing a couple little custom home automation projects using that kind of network.

  • Why would I want a folding phone? I want my phone to be as rigid as possible.

    Hiding the front cameras is the only real innovation I guess, but Oneplus managed it in 2019 with the 7 Pro so it’s not exactly a recent innovation.

    • I got a good deal on a Fold 4 and it’s been great. It’s literally a tablet in your pocket and with multi-window it’s about as capable as a PC for most tasks. Having such a large screen and 2-3 apps open at once is great whenever you’re trying to get anything done.

      Before the Fold though, I also had the Oneplus 7 Pro and I think that phone still looks more modern than anything else I see out there today because of the uninterrupted notch-less display. If they didn’t give it up for a hole-punch on the 8 I would have probably stuck with them.

      • The obsession boring people have with thinking that someone is going to hack their webcam and record some sort of salacious content of them is astoundingly broad. To the point that very mundane people have web cam covers for their laptops or the little piece of post-it note taped over. Like people, no one gives enough of a shit about you that they will hack your camera and even if they did what are you doing that you care so much? If the answer is nothing then you are the last person that needs to worry about someone hacking a fucking webcam.
