• Meanwhile to the rich:

    “You’ve been interfering with domestic and foreign elections, abused your workers, and even appeared with a noted pedophile? What about you promise you won’t do it ever again?”

    Something, something, the law protects the ruling class, not the common people.

    • I am so sick and tired of having two people standing right behind me staring over my shoulder as I’m using self checkout at walmart. It makes me never want to go back there. I actually have never “forgotten” to scan anything, ever. Yet these mfs are breathing down my neck at every store, every time I go. Target is the opposite. I swear these LPs (the plain clothes people but with walkies, come on) and workers are next to me at all times when I’m shopping. But then they usually leave me be at self checkout. I guess by then their ridiculously invasive theft monitoring system has determined I’m not a threat or something.

      Fuck both of these companies. And fuck them even more for running every smaller company out of business so we have nowhere else to shop when we’re sick of being treated like criminals and sick of being sold garbage at some insane markup.

  • I was physically restrained by 4 Walmart employees, and convicted based on blatant lies from the LP manager (who legally counts as a “professional witness,” meaning her word is literally law) and a petty larceny effectively bars you from employment for 7 years.

    What I “stole?” I was having a bad mental health day and missed a $5 pair of sunglasses on a $2-300 shopping trip.

    When the judge started to say “no intent,” she cut the judge off and hollared how she watched me remove the tag “and that’s intent if I ever saw it.” Never mind that the picture SHE BROUGHT TO COURT still had it attached, because PrOfEsSiOnAl WiTnEsS hUrRdUrR.

  • I absolutely HATE Walmart. I should hate them for their exploitation of workers, their shit products or any number of their shit corporation’s dealings. But the thing that drew the final blow for me was an incident dealing with their self checkout and their system of ascribing guilt for theft without any due process.

    I went to a store about half an hour away from where I lived as they aren’t common near where I’m from. Bought several items including a marker board. Checked out using self checkout. Marker board was too big to fit into a bag, so I set it aside to bring with me after scanning everything. Well, as luck would have it, when I got home I realized I never brought my marker board home but I had paid for it and had the receipt to prove it. I called the store and explained the situation to the manager at customer service who assured me I could come to the store and pickup the item, no troubles.

    So I drove back up to the store hour round trip. I get there and the customer service line is about 15 people deep at this point. Only one person behind the counter. After about 30 min waiting in line, I finally get up to the counter and explain my issue, showing the receipt and that I had spoken to a manager earlier and that they said to come in and it would be fine to pickup the marker board. Well, not only was it not fine, but then the woman behind the counter, after having a discussion with her security dept over the phone who “reviewed the footage” from my checkout, decided that I had actually attempted to put something into my pocket to steal something!? Incredulously, I asked her why on earth I would go through the trouble to come all this way back to the store for an item that I clearly paid for along with about $60 worth of other stuff which again, also clearly paid for, if I had stolen something!? She refused to budge and I was honestly shocked she had the audacity to accuse me of theft 100% seriously. I left that store and haven’t set foot in a Walmart since. It’s been 4 years and it’s the best consumer decision I’ve ever made.

  • I make it a point to forget scanning half of my shit there. It’s less about self-checkout (I quite honestly don’t mind it all that much), and more about the insane cost of living now.

    I refuse to spend $30 on milk, eggs, cheese, bread, and butter.

    • I mean if you’re doing it to steal then there’s no sense crying about being arrested. You took a risk and it didn’t pay off.

      When it’s a genuine mistake, that’s completely different.

  • This is your daily reminder to steal anything you can from large corporations at every possible opportunity. Got five identical items? Whoops, you only seem to have scanned four of them. Are four of them the brand name, and one of them the cheaper store brand? Shit, it seems you scanned the store brand one five four times. They just looked so similar, after all. How confusing!

  • All the stories in this thread are ridiculous, not untrue, but very weird.

    Product loss is a problem, and can threaten a store’s ability to operate, especially in disadvantaged communities where there aren’t many options for shopping. That said, what the fuck is everyone thinking? Why do people care about like one guy not scanning or accidentally taking one item, you’re wasting more resources dealing with it then if you just ignored it.

    The actual solution? Exit gates that open when you scan your receipt, maybe combined with some system that weighs the whole order to make sure it makes sense. Completely automated, no shouting, easy to implement because the technology already exists on transit systems and many other things.

    I don’t get why this is a problem, though I’ve never seen anything like this at any nearby grocery store.

    • What you’re talking about would likely cost around 100K per location. Multiplied by 5000 locations, that’ll run them a cool half a billion dollars. Minimum.

      The real issue is Walmart (and others like them) eliminated local businesses, which replaced decent paying jobs with minimum wage jobs. Then lobbied the government to keep minimum wages down. This had the effect of depressing local economies, creating scenarios where people have to shoplift basic necessities.

      So instead of having massive corporations spending insane amounts of money (or calling the police) which serves to make grocery shopping a dystopian nightmare for everyone, maybe we should consider the root cause of the problem? It seems insane the amount of resources being devoted towards maintaining economic problems.