Treczoks ( ) 141•1 year agoYou speak English because it is the only language you know.
I speak English because it is the only language you know.
We are not the same.
boonhet ( ) 20•1 year agoIch spreche Deutsch und Englisch weil du nicht Estnisch sprichst
Nalivai ( ) 5•1 year agoEesti keelt pole olemas
interolivary ( ) 6•1 year agoSidenote, but as a Finn it’s always so fun to read or hear Estonian. Very often I can get at least the gist of what’s being said, and with this phrase I was like 75% sure of what it meant (the 25% comes from the fact that many Estonian words look familiar but actually mean something completely different than what I’d expect.) Finnic languages are pretty rare with like 7 million speakers total, so getting this “oh this language sounds so familiar” feeling isn’t exactly common for us.
Somebody actually did a fun video on this where a Finn and an Estonian tried to guess what the other was saying.
_MusicJunkie ( ) 3•1 year agoSounds like the relationship between German and Dutch. To me as an Austrian, Dutch sounds like a drunk northern German speaking half English.
interolivary ( ) 2•1 year agoI studied German around 3000 years ago and Dutch feels somewhat more intelligible to me (at least when reading it, heh) compared to Estonian; it really does sound like someone took English and German and made them do unspeakable things to each other. German & Dutch definitely are a good enough comparison in any case, and I guess eg. Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and maybe Romanian might be too.
But even eg. Italian and German are related, even though it’s not immediately obvious. You Indo-European speakers are surrounded by related languages, and here’s us, the Estonians, the Sámi and a bunch of dying minority cultures in Russia speaking our crazy moon speaks that nobody understands.
_MusicJunkie ( ) 2•1 year agoI feel you. When I go to Hungary, my brain breaks. In most surrounding countries, I can sort of guess common words. “Exit” is more or less the same word (vychod) in all nearby Slavic languages for example. And then there’s Hungarian where it’s probably szönözökémül or something.
interolivary ( ) 2•1 year agoLol szönözökémül. I get what you mean though, Hungarian is such a distant relative of Finnish that it’s not mutually intelligible with Finnish in any way, so it feels just as alien to me. The grammar has some familiar constructs and there’s like a handful of words that, when they were specifically pointed out to me and I was told it’s the same as some word in Finnish, I went “oh right I can see how those are related” but I would never have noticed them otherwise.
At least Finnish has related languages but eg. Basque speakers will never hear a foreign language that makes their brain go “I totally understand this! Trust me nothing will go wrong!”, and how sad is that?
boonhet ( ) 6•1 year agoTõsi
undeffeined ( ) 3•1 year agoIm rauch des orgasmus
Karyoplasma ( ) 2•1 year agoRausch*
Empfehle den zweiten Teil. Die Story ist echt gut und Michaela spielt den Flohwalzer auf nem Klavier.
undeffeined ( ) 3•1 year agoI have no idea what it actually means. When on an exchange program many years ago, a drunken Finn taught me that
Karyoplasma ( ) 2•1 year ago“Im Rausch des Orgasmus” is a famous, now vintage, porn series with acclaimed German porn actress Michaela Schaffrath under her stage name Gina Wild. It means something like “The buzz of orgasms”.
undeffeined ( ) 2•1 year agoThanks for bringing context to this!
Treczoks ( ) 3•1 year agoSiiski on sul õigus.
rob64 ( ) 7•1 year agoDoch nicht allen! Es gibt Dutzende von uns. Dutzende!
meteorswarm ( ) 3•1 year ago其實這個美國人還會漢語
UnverifiedAPK ( ) 1•1 year agoGit gut.
It’s not matter of intelligence, it’s a matter of importance.
DarkwinDuck ( ) 4•1 year agoI prefer git rebase usually.
Tabugti ( ) 2•1 year agoBut you have to admit that git is good (gut).
DarkwinDuck ( ) 1•1 year agoNaja… Passt schon.
ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃 ( ) 73•1 year ago𝕯𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝕶𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖐𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖓𝖚𝖓 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖚𝖒 𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖎𝖐 𝕯𝖊𝖚𝖙𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉
Guildo ( ) 8•1 year agoDu Nazi!
Ozymandias1688 ( ) 11•1 year agoFraktur = nazi? etwa ein /s verloren?
Guildo ( ) 5•1 year agoDu Grammarnazi!
DarkwinDuck ( ) 3•1 year agoHä?
_cnt0 ( ) 62•1 year agoHätten sie lieber die Spanische Inquisition?
Illegal_Prime ( ) English42•1 year agoOne of my favorite things about Reddit was that whenever two Germans found each other in a comment section they would always start a long reply chain in German. I always thought it was cute.
Appoxo ( ) 35•1 year agoDiese Tradition können wir gerne fortführen.
SaltyIceteaMaker ( ) 33•1 year agoWir müssen diese Tradition Fortführen
Treczoks ( ) 28•1 year agoAuf jeden Fall!
manucode ( ) 27•1 year agoMelde mich zum Dienst!
smokedclover ( ) 24•1 year agoTschuldigung, hab verpennt. Wo gehts heute hin Chef?
Appoxo ( ) 16•1 year agoZum nächsten Kommentarfaden.
Daher: Wie geht es Ihnen/dir? :)
theFibonacciEffect ( ) 15•1 year agoWohoo, auf zum nächsten Faden
SternburgExport ( ) 39•1 year agoWas ist los? Wer will hier Stress?
_cnt0 ( ) 20•1 year agoWat? Kaum drei Haare auf’m Sack und schon ein’ auf dicke Hose machen hier, wie?
Luna ( ) 39•1 year ago Johanno ( ) 8•1 year agoIf I remember the movie correctly she does indeed know a little German. He was very small
Khorgor666 ( ) 30•1 year agoSie haben geläutet?
crispy_kilt ( ) 27•1 year agoGuten Tag.
rob64 ( ) 7•1 year ago InputZero ( ) 3•1 year agoGlutenGuten Tag Sie.
miss_brainfart ( ) 23•1 year agoHallöchen Popöchen
gigachad ( ) 21•1 year agoGUTEN MORGEN
Granixo ( ) 18•1 year agoBut it’s these guys. 😎🤟🎸🔥
Holzkohlen ( ) 15•1 year agoAll those sexual assault allegations? Yeah, no. Those guys can fuck right off.
bort ( ) 15•1 year agotldr: the case was dropped because not a single witness could be found that would confirm any of those sexual assault allegations in front of police/prosecution
Appoxo ( ) 1•1 year agoNot like that denies that it didn’t happen.
Witnesses could have been pressured. Reznik ( ) 8•1 year agoSince only the people who knew the names of these women are the journalists Rammstein had to pressured them first. And that didn’t happen. There is no conspiracy here.
macniel ( ) 6•1 year agoOr they were full of shit from the get go. Should that mean that they stay with a ruined reputation?
Appoxo ( ) 4•1 year agoI am saying this with the knowledge of
the case was dropped because not a single witness could be found that would confirm
Of course if they are innocent, all power to them to defend themselve. Wouldn’t want such a dark situation happen to myself and also hope the people around would just trust me.
boomzilla ( ) 0•1 year agoRinnstein Kids
moosetwin ( ) English18•1 year agoI don’t usually like meme watermarks but I am okay with it here because it is required for the meme to make sense
Zonen-RANSLITE ( ) 15•1 year agoGuten Tag
Ozymandias1688 ( ) 3•1 year agoReichtangle intensiviert…
No_ ( ) 13•1 year agoNooo I’m germaphobic
atlasraven31 ( ) 12•1 year agoWunderbar.