• Guess what!
    There’s a whole generation of old men about to pass away, most of them tradesmen. And in my experience, crotchety and unwilling to teach.

    Because this generation generally has less interest in trades, likely from being viewed down upon (see above), there is going to be a severe shortage of people working in the trades.

    This will possibly mean two things:
    Companies are going to scramble desperately to get new apprentices, so -good news- more jobs. But, expect a startling lack of quality in the years to come.

  • I don’t understand why people pick on tradesman as if they’re somehow lesser than them.

    There’s lots of skill and knowledge that goes along with doing any trade.

    Also, while it’s back breaking work, and you often work overtime, construction workers make bank.

    This is an aged and outdated take that devalues the contributions of a very important job.

    All jobs are skilled labor.

    • Everyone shits on blue collar workers until their furnace stops working, their pipes leak, their car breaks, their roof leaks, their foundation cracks, the wiring in their house gives out… Shit, it’s almost like their work is integral to their jaded-ass day to day lives

      • Entitlement seems to be a fundamemtal human condition. Look at how much traditional women’s work is looked down upon. Society is simply not possible without child rearing, yet it is seen as incomparable to wage-generating work.

        • The fact that universal child care isnt available for parents is another disgusting insight into what the governments priorities are. Generations of people told that the true sign of success is to go to school, buy a home, have a wife and 2 kids… Then when they’re grown up, the game has changed completely.

  • The irony is now that the situation is totally inverted.

    My STEM degree has got me making a barely livable wage while the GEDs who went straight into a trade are making twice what I make.

    And the cruel reality is there is not a good way to determine which way this market will go unless you’re one of the 0.01%. And if you were it would make this a mute point.

      • Well I my skill set is in programming, however to date since my graduation, I’ve only managed to get into an adjacent job which was IT.

        I’m gonna try and bring my skillset up ther by focusing on network administration, since for me it would appear that my programming skill isn’t really worth that much.

        IMO the hard truth is that the niche skills sell, not degrees.

        • Are you in a city with limited STEM opportunities? That has a lot to do with it. I was having an impossible time getting a programming job in my hometown, because they are a behind the times, po-dunk city. I had to move across the country to an area with a thriving tech industry to finally get my career going. It’s unfortunate, but where you live heavily impacts the job opportunities.

  • I mean… At least as a construction worker my retirement plan is three-fold. The trick is to survive long enough and well enough to enjoy retirement.

    The three are 401k, annuity, and the unheard of pension.

    Granted, I’m also on my fourth pulled back muscle for the year. I really need to stretch more.

    • That’s the thought that crossed my mind. As far as pay, it is being a good stable career option - the very physical trades tend to encounter a lot more injuries and physical consequences. I respect the heck out of the trades and I work with a lot of them on different things for work - but if you look at some of the older/close to retirement folks - physical ailments and shorter life expectancy is a real concern.

      Think of the “silent generation” and “baby boomers” you know that are getting up there in years. Everyone I have known that reached their 90s had fairly “cushy” desk jobs. The ones I knew who did skilled labor and trades work lived to their late 70s/early 80s.

      I think, at least in the US, that we are going to REALLY feel the decrease in trades like plumbers, electricians, etc. You can teach some trades much quicker when there is a need - but with licensing and such - its going to take time to turn that ship back on course.

    • Seriously. I work with tradespeople everyday. Society would collapse in a week without them. But also most of them believe in jewish space lasers and want trump to become god king and kick out all the gays and non-whites

      Then they complain NO ONE WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE when they cant find anyone who wants to work with them

  •  reksas   ( @reksas@sopuli.xyz ) 
    7 months ago

    phone marketing would be more apt job to scare kids with. It brings nothing of value to society and its awful for the worker and those being bothered. Or just skip pointing fingers at any job and just tell the kid they will end up being exploited if they are left with no options.

  • While construction workers should absolutely be respected, you definitely don’t want to end up as a construction worker in India. Construction workers earn like 300-400 rupees (3.61 - 4.81 USD) per day of work in the part of India that I live in (which is a very industrious part btw). These people overwhelmingly belong to the lower castes. They don’t have their own home, and live on site in temporarily constructed structures made from metal panels.

    These people suffered the most when the COVID lockdowns happened. Their places of employment fired them. They thus lost their temporary home. These people, along with their kids tried to move back to the villages that they migrated to the cities from. However, for quite some time, they weren’t allowed to return back. Thus, thousands of people were immediately made homeless, having to sleep on the streets. Of course, they were harassed by the police a lot. Finally, when special trains were organized for them, there were instances where the police sprayed water into these trains on these people “to clean them”. Watch this documentary by Vice news if you want to learn more about them.

    • I swear there are so many systems that should have never existed let alone be perpetuated into the current era…

      “It’s ok to hate that person, they’re ARBITRARY CLASS NAME.” …ughh

      •  dope   ( @dope@lemm.ee ) 
        7 months ago

        Long term working pretty much any straight job is bad for your health. Software design will make you crazy. Working construction for any company means getting squeezed to work too hard. Best to avoid the whole exploitative toxic mess.

        Best to live in the margins.

        I work as an independent general contractor in a rural area. Fix and/or build toilets, floors, walls, lights, fences etc. A little bit of everything. It’s surprisingly stable. Don’t even have to advertise. No boss. Good pay. No bennies.