• As much as possible, corporate interest and action on social media needs to be exposed and dismantled. Capitalism is inherently antisocial and comes with a bunch of social hierarchies and unquestionable “accepted” inequalities embedded within. Plus I don’t enjoy trawling through miles of boring carbon copy jokes and endless attempts at edgy right-wing tinged “humour”. The cancerous spread of fascistic “freedom of speech” culture that defies the logic of the concept destroyed reddit.

  • Tbh I’m seeing a lot of Mastodon instances Admins saying they wont defederate Threads straight away; they want to see what Meta does/demands of all over instances first. The instance I’m part of (Fosstodon) is also doing the “wait and see” tactic.

    BUT I strongly suspect most will end up defederating with Threads within a week due to Meta’s shit moderation and attempts to bully other, larger instances into giving them privacy info.

  • Honestly one needs to look at the economic ensentives in order to understand metas goals.

    Meta does not make any money from content on the federverse. Therefore, they have no reason to support its growth or future. In fact I would go as far as to say that they actually are going to try and EEE.

    • They aren’t going to try to EEE. ActivityPub was just an easy protocall to build off of quickly. They don’t care about the fediverse. They have almost zero incentive to waste effort trying to destroy it, plus it’s open source, so worst case we just fork it and move on.

        • EEE means embrace, extend, extenguish. It’s to say they’ll start using it, extend it so they are required to continue using it, then stop supporting it or actively kill it. It has nothing to do with federation, whether they do or don’t.

          • I know that, but if that’s not the goal, then what else do they hope to achieve by implementing ActivityPub? It means they plan to federate with the larger fediverse, and you can bet that there’s a carefully calculated business reasoning behind it.

            • They likely used it because most of the work is already done. They could quickly turn around a new app as they notice Twitter fucking up, rather than starting from scratch. It already exists, works, and is tested.

              • You’re not getting my point - if federation wasn’t the goal, they wouldn’t even need anything like ActivityPub. It’s a protocol to allow different servers to talk to each other in a way that is just not necessary and way too much overhead if you’re planning to have an insular solution controlled by just a single entity anyway. Picking it as the protocol for internal-only communication between your own servers would simply be a very questionable architectural choice, Meta’s Engineers know better than that. Threads already works without supporting ActivityPub, so it’s obviously not needed for making the app run. Them also working on supporting ActivityPub is just creating an additional, public interface in order to connect to the fediverse, which they otherwise simply wouldn’t need to do.

                Just noticed another possible confusion: ActivityPub is just a protocol, a definition of how servers can talk to each other. There’s no ready-made implementation that Meta could be using to get a headstart, they are most definitely developing their own implementation of it. So even if they were actually using it without wanting to federate, the only thing they’d be saving on is designing their own protocol, but that’s not really beneficial because then they’ll have to deal with a protocol that wasn’t actually made for their use case and according to their specific needs.

  • I wouldn’t share a tear for Meta’s new plaything, they’re gonna have more users on Threads on the first day than the entire Fediverse combined. Apparently they’re not even linking up yet, it’s still on their to-do list?

  • I think fediverse servers should adopt a set of sustainable limits for themselves, one of which should be: do not maintain more than X active users. If they have over that amount, they should shut down signups. If they don’t shut down signups, everyone else should defederate them until they cooperate.

  • Oh man, this is genuinely depressing. I just checked it out for the first time and almost every thread I see is “omg this is so much better than twitter” “Guess we’re all on threads now?” and just complete lack of awareness of the fediverse at all, and I’m just sitting here like “the fediverse has been better than twitter…and facebook…and instagram… and reddit… for a long time now…” but everyone is just gonna throw flowers at Facebook for making a hackneyed handicapped version of it and there’s nothing we can do.

    This time next year everywhere you see little social media buttons and links the threads symbol will be there by default and people will still have no idea about Lemmy or Mastadon. I’m gonna try really hard to focus on how much of a good thing that is because of its lessening of the horrors of Eternal September in these spaces.

  • As someone who had tried hard to convince my friends and family: I noticed that a small uptick of complexity pushes people away. It’s like people these days don’t appreciate any confusing procedures and will settle for the more simple route.

    Threads is successful because setting up a profile and following people you’ve been following in IG only takes a few taps on the screen.