• As someone with a soft spot for the series, I personally enjoyed it well enough. It’s another Indiana Jones movie, it’s quite formulaic, but its fun and it works for its intended purpose. It was never going to be incredible, high-brow cinema and I do wonder why anyone who has seen any of the others expected it to be anything other than what it was.

    • These days people will shit on anything and everything

      Good movies can be objectively fun or objectively good or both, but these days it’s all shit unless it’s both

  • Can’t say I agree with that take, I thought it was one of the better Indiana Jones movies, maybe even better than Temple Of Doom. It ticked all the boxes for me.

      • I enjoyed Temple of Doom, more as a kid but for a general adventure story it work for me. I’ve also been watching Red Letter Media’s review of it recently so that may have skewed it higher. I always liked the idea of the old stories where someone could have an out of order adventure. For those that may not know we’d call it a prequel these days but it was modeled off of old stories that were just told for the same characters. Oddly whenever I try and create a cultist type story (Lovecraft and pulp) in my head it turns out very similar to Temple of Doom, so that probably impacts my opinion of it.