• Aliexpress search is just the worst in that regard. “Hey I want to buy microchip X123457” - “Sure, here are some other totally different chips and a few iPhone cases for you”.

    Without site:aliexpress.com and search engines I would never find anything on there.

    • Not to mention that it changes the actual results if you decide to use any of its shitty filters or even order by price. Like, if your search result had 4 pages and you order by price, suddenly it’s now 2 pages. My bet is shady assholery to fuck with sellers that aren’t paying enough, much like Amazon

  • The category filters of electronics distributors used to be good (some still are). But then they started letting business people categorize the products, and now finding stuff without having a part number is basically a lottery.

    • hell, even with a part number, you still have to sort through a bunch of irrelevant stuff. I swear they must just “select all” when assigning tags to phone cases and stuff.

      • Fuck phone cases and bad search. I just got the Sony Xperia 10 V. The whole Sony Line is just changing the number to 1, 5, or 10, and the Roman numeral from I to V (and growing).

        Good luck finding anything. It literally took me hours (including advanced Google Fu) to find out that the style of case I want doesn’t exist for my model. (But the 10 IV has it.)

        Is there a site that categorizes cases by exact model? I feel like it shouldn’t be this hard.

  • 👊Hold up, buddy! 👊🤔Spotted your Gru’s Plan meme 🤔👉, but quick tip: ✌️Keep the text in the last two panels the same for that slick punchline! ✌️😂Consistency is the key to meme magic. 🗝️👌Give it a shot, and you’ll nail it! 👍😄

    • I don’t get the downvotes. You expressed that it differs from the usual meme formula but it’s very obvious that you aren’t serious. And it’s kinda funny reading the text whilst imagining those bullshit emojis. (At least I hope that the emojis weren’t serious)