• Stardew Valley expanded?? What is that? Is it something that is available to us long-term SV users? I bought Stardew Valley when it first came out and people looked at me like I was crazy for buying such an obviously casual and pixelated game.

  • Oh okay, those mods I don’t even get what they are and am much too old to figure out how. I was getting excited over nothing then. Obviously there’ll never be an across the board expansion or add-ons for SV - or a sequel either, which is odd given how successful it’s been. Haunted Chocolatier looks promising - but obviously isn’t actually ever going to come out at this point.

  • I truly wish I had access to Steam. I see all these wonderful casual puzzle games (my #1 love) and they never come out on Switch. But I don’t have a good computer that is up to date and it cannot run Steam at all. My mouth waters when I see playthroughs of certain Steam games on Youtube.

      • Yep, it’s on Switch, I originally bought a physical copy for PS4 back when it first came out, but then my PS4 gave out around the same time I was gifted with a Switch system. And then I found out all my PS4 games were pretty much also available on Switch. But what I really envy are people who can play Steam games, they are so much my type of casual games.

    • You can get a computer which can run Steam the low-spec library for less than $100 if you get a very common used office computer. I’ve seen as low as $50 for a functional machine only a few years old. Most likely it could run most puzzle games.

      • My computer is supposed to be able to run anything, and it runs virtually nothing. I can’t even get basic things like email or older games to run on this thing. I’ve never had good luck with technology - but maybe I’ll invest in a newer computer once of these days and hope for the best.

        • Sounds like it’s relatively new. If it came out of the box not being able to run games or email you may have some faulty hardware. If it ran decently at first but now having issues you may have some processes running taking up all your computer’s resources. The latter issue is a pretty straightforward fix by an IT guy, but the only way around hardware failure is replacement.