Come to College in portugal! Is part of the atire.
I had a “traje academico” back in those days. Loved to wear it on winter, it was so warm and confy.
Come to College in portugal! Is part of the atire.
I had a “traje academico” back in those days. Loved to wear it on winter, it was so warm and confy.
I can recomend two of my favorites: Full Metal Alchemist and Death Note.
The first one another user already talked about it. As for the Death Note: a boy finds a book from a Shinigami (a kind of god/Angel of death). The book as the property that if you write the name of a person in that book, the person will die. So the boy see the oprtunity to make the society better by killing all the bad guys, he is a real hero…or…is he not? It s really good.
I also recomend both anime adaptation, for FMA please see brotherhood version, it is the one that follows the manga. You will love the “nina” episode. And death Note has a great soudtrack.
Probably some “friend” of the main party (we call it boys do PS) will get an huge sum to do it…and in the end it will not work properly.
Our goverment does not care. We have an huge problem with nepotism and corruption. In my opinion this is not to improve thr citizen life, is to give money to some boys cooperation.
Also, the unemployment rate covers people without studies or with specific studies not suited for 911 operator. I dont know how it is in other countries, but here the first responder is a police officer and only after him it goes to a registered nurse or health profissional. We are lacking profissionais on both fields. But in the end I would rather have someone without studies but trained to be an 911 operator than a chatbot.
When this news came people started talking about the women who called 911 ordering a pizza. The operator managed to understand the caller was in danger and the pizza call was a code for help. A chatbot can do this??? I dont think so.
We saw some episodes of keijo. Is is fun if you want to try something different
Portugal It is in portuguese, but I think google can translate the webpage
Agree the Journey is really special and can be very emotional dependendo on the bond both players make.
As for “Curiosity” notice now the way I wrote it was missleading, so sorry, I edited my comment now.
Seeing One Piece and the remake of Ruroni Kenshin.
Also tried 2nd season of Doctor Stone, but not enjoying as much… too much hype from the characters, they are always in the hurry to discover things, and go to the next tecnology.
In my country they are thinking about putting chat bot on the emergency line (same as 911 call for reference).
So no…when I call I want help, not a chat bot with limited options, no empathy and that will probably desconect my call if I choose the wrong option.
Quick game: Journey! You are a beeing in some kind of migration Journey through multiple landscapes (desert, sea and snow). You have to pick up special símbols that are hidden so that your scarf becames longer and you can fly, also it works as some kind of HP bar.
The cinematics is just beautifull, you float and slide as the sun sets it is more art than a game, just to enjoy and relax.
One of the feafures is that another player, like you, will be there. As a 1st time player they will guide you through the secrets of each level/place. You dont talk each of you just emit a kind of musical sound and, without any Word, it is increadible how both players can talk. It is really beautifull. On some other games you will be the guide, you dont know, you have yo try to comunicate and figure out your place in Journey.
I confess I cried the first time I finished the game.
Longer game: The Last guardian From the same team that made shadow of the colossus, you will notice by the landscape.
You are a little boy in some kind of Maya/Inca Village that is kidnaped by a beeing that is mix of a giant mouse with horns and wings, called Trico.
It takes you to it s nest (huge and complex, like an ants), but both have an accident and get stuck somewhere. Trico lost it s wings so cannot fly.
Step by step you start to make friends with Trico to escape the huge nest, you can go on it s back, climb the hills, solve puzzles with it.
You also find why you are kidnapped (not going to give spoilers). You find other Tricos but they are very agressive, like they are under some kind of spell. Also the nest has strange beeings roaming around that try to suck your energy (the first encounter I had I got a huge gut feeling of strangeness and danger, increadible how the game can give you such a dread feeling and, no, I am not also telling how they are :) it is part of that first impact) and, remember, you are a little kid so you better run and trust that your Trico will help you.
(The game has a lot of detail. At some point my ps4 started to make a strange noise as an airplane taking off).
Have fun! Edit: removed the word “curiosity” to not confuso anyone, did not know it was a game as well.
I use jerboa if it helps. Majority of time it works
I use Facebook for talking with family and insta for friends and miscelanious things. In both I rarely post.
In the beginig I also had that FOMO feeling, but ended overcome it by reducing the time I spent on Facebook a lot.
In general, I think people dont say what is really going on their head and use the non anonimous social media as show off and status.
I think a media plataform anonimous is a more incentive for people beeing true about their opinions. For exemple 4chan in the begining and a little bit of 8chan as well, even if the opinon was controverse people would post and other people would tell what they think about it (without including reall sick things like pedo and stuff).
Seems like the social media ends beeing an extension of the user real life, you dont say what you really think because you can be ban, criticized, doxxed or called a nazi. Thats why people end creating throwaway account or secondary accounts.
I m an accountant and work on a financial department for a multinacional firm.
I think it is pretty boring, I see numbers all day, no longer read them as money only numbers. Deal with invoices, ERP giving me problema (thks Oracle). Love the tax part, but hate the day to day tasks. It is really not very interesting.
Before going through this route I thought about taking biotech, still think about it sometimes…would it be more interesting? Less stupid due dates, more things to discover and learn about beyond the tax rate for cars.
Oh well it is just a job…
I believed chinese/japanese ink was made from cuttlefish “ink”.
My brother told me and I belived for years…
Muito obrigada! Sim também concordo que o inglês tem mais sonoridade, parece que faz mais sentido neste tipo de universo.
Obrigada pelo voto de confiança, vou ler os dois e dar a minha opinião.
Would like to try as well! Love the cyberpunk kind of universe (we also have the game with the same name). I only have the reader from the ipad, so anything compatible with it. If not, paperback it is.
Also I speak portuguese, so if you wrote it originally in portuguese I don’t mind have the original version (if I m one of the lucky ones).
Thank you! Obrigada!
Read first book of Dune some 5 years agora. Loved it. I’ m afraid to read the following books and be disapointed or that they are not as good as the first one.
Also afraid that the books start to be more religious than SciFy…
Anyone read them that can give me some review?are they worth it?
I still have RIF. I know it will not come back, and reddit is not the same comunity that was when I joined (+10 years ago).
But it was an important part of my life, and deleting it seems like closing a door or move on from that age.
Sometimes I still forgot and try to open it anyway
Here at home we refused to install it, we dont trust our goverment and seems like a control and surveillance app.
At the time of COVID they thretened to make the app mandatory for everyone. People started to complain and our lovely prime-minister (portugal) shown its true colors by having an semi-dictatorial atitude, like “I am the one in charge and you do what I say”.
People sem to forget it and still vote for him…
Just how to say “I am an apple” in different languages.
Starting with: Ik ben en appel