Few hundred years into the future, interested to see what people get up to
Few hundred years into the future, interested to see what people get up to
Honestly I feel like anyone who doesn’t play video games in 2023 is out of touch but that might just be my internet native speaking
Not really childhood more like teenage but mass effect is one I regularly go back to.
I really really want to play it but idk if I can justify a ps5
I’ve been cleaning though some games that I had only partially completed in anticipation that I will need more hard drive space come september. Finished the dlcs for both Spiderman and Horizon zero dawn which I quite enjoyed, and now I’m playing far cry 6 which is okay but definitely not living up to it’s own potential.
Idk if I would recommend it if you were looking for something like me 1-3, andromeda is alot more like something like horizon zero dawn, and in that regard I think yes its quite good.
Like there’s an impending economic shift coming due and the powers that be are doing everything they can to try and prevent it. Unfortunately for them this is inevitable.
I’m kinda divided on how I feel about the settlements; I don’t like them, but not because of the system itself, but rather how it plays into the wider gameplay loop. If Bethesda made a game where building a settlement was the core feature of the game, and the story and quests revolved around it, I think I would have liked it alot more. But as they stand right now settlements feel like a tedious tacked on feature that adds nothing.
I think the argument would be that the transportation and equipment are still produced by workers too, the only value the owner provides in the equation is acting as a middleman between all the parts of the operation (though even that is usually delegated too), while getting a disproportionately large chunk of the reward by comparison.
Alot of b tier games that I don’t think hit their true potential; just cause, infamous, red faction, sleeping dogs.
Edit: also splinter cell
I bet it was epic games, they were probably banking on epic co-founding projects to release on the epic games store but I don’t think any of the games they’ve released on there were successful.
Steel barreled sword of vengeance
Human revolution
No I like the term beat, not because it’s accurate, but because it’s like a tradition, it’s part of the culture of the medium. Beating a game is a triumph, something to celebrate and be proud of, not just checking off a to-do list.
I don’t think I could give an answer I wouldn’t walk back on later, I’m just happy to see such an interesting and competitive year for the industry. Really hope this trend continues.
I really do like the just cause games destruction mechanics but I kinda wished they were a little more challenging, like maybe do a more sci-fi setting where you gotta take on tougher high tech enemies or something idk
Honestly that’s fine, 15k power users are more valuable than 150k average users imo
Alot, but the first thing that comes to mind is pizza hut
Mass Effect Trilogy, Skyrim, Doom(2016 and eternal), Xcom EW and 2, FF7R, Sekiro, Marvels Spiderman, Horizon Zero Dawn, Assassins Creed, Metro Trilogy, Dishonored, Deus Ex, Batman Arkham Trilogy, Divinity Original Sin 2, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, The Witcher Trilogy, Sleeping Dogs, GTA 4 and 5, Hitman World of Assassination, Resident Evil Remakes, and Cyberpunk 2077.