One of my friends streamed his first playthrough of the demo for me. It looks incredible, and I hope it comes to PC swiftly, since I have no plans on buying a PS5.
One of my friends streamed his first playthrough of the demo for me. It looks incredible, and I hope it comes to PC swiftly, since I have no plans on buying a PS5.
I’ve been following that publication for a while, actually, and I agree. They’re a great team.
This may be a little tangential, but does anyone know of any game news sites with RSS feeds that have talented writers working for them? Some of the sites I’ve followed for years have been regurgitating Twitter opinions more and more, and it makes finding thoughtful (or just plain informative) articles far more difficult.
I like this so much! I hope you end up doing that second pass to try incorporating the hat.
I’m so excited to see Bob in a D20 season! Best queen Drag Race has ever seen, IMO.
I think the difference is that on a PC, the barrier to installing Epic or GOG is the same as Steam, but with phones and tablets, the operating system itself does everything it can to scare you away from installing an “unofficial” app. There have been plenty of bad actors on the Play Store, but Google is fine pretending like their store is perfect and secure. The fact is, we live in a world where most people take the path of least resistance, and Google is using their money and power to incentivize manufacturers and end-users into certain behaviors. That just harms smaller companies from being able to properly compete.