I was thinking more of its native file format it saves to. It said “import from Markdown” which seemed to suggest it is not saving all in Markdown (otherwise would have said opens and saves to). But maybe it is just badly worded.
I blog about #technology #gadgets #opensource #FOSS #greentech #traditionalwetshaving #LCHF #health #alternativeto #hamradio (ZS1OSS) #southafrica - see https://gadgeteer.co.za/blog. I also blog to various other social networks which I list at https://gadgeteer.co.za/social-networks-i-post-to.
I was thinking more of its native file format it saves to. It said “import from Markdown” which seemed to suggest it is not saving all in Markdown (otherwise would have said opens and saves to). But maybe it is just badly worded.
QOwnNotes (https://github.com/pbek/QOwnNotes) may be an option as it is pure Markdown and need not have both the code and preview windows open. I used it before moving to Obsidian. It has some options to customise its window views, but it is a long time since I used it, so not sure if it has that block mode you want. Logseq I seem to recall worked with blocks as it is an Outliner that does save in Markdown format, but I did not like that the outline blocks added characters to the file format that slightly broke compatibility with standard Markdown formats. But blocks was Logseq’s strength.
Although it says it “imports Markdown” so not sure if it is an actual Markdown format editor.
I switch between Main, Recording, and Gaming. Apart from backgrounds I have some apps specifically visible in that Activity, and also have a filtered desktop folder for each (each Activity has files that are only relevant to that activity). I did a video about my switching at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq-7KEeH7_U and how it differs from virtual desktops.
I only choose to buy hardware that I can connect to Home Assistant, because I can still use it if the company goes bust or no longer supports it. I have one dashboard in HA that manages all my different devices. Point is, I still buy the hardware and the sale is made. I’m not going to buy 5 different standard products which must all be managed through separate apps. Open standards can open up to a much bigger market. There is good reason why so many OEMs opened up to the Matter protocol.
But as I say, I check first for compatibility, then I narrow my choices from there. So yes, right now your company’s IOT product won’t get onto my radar. Been there, done that, and got a handful of dead paperweights to show for it.
Today was a bit easier
Jumblie #242 🔴🔵🟢🟠 7 guesses in 2m 14s https://jumblie.com
Ah, see it now in results - never heard that before. We normally speak of toppings or stuffings.
It very much is, but British English so wondering if that was a US term
Thanks, no, I surrendered ;-) but still can’t figure out why that 6-letter word relates to potato specifically. Just not something I can really relate to potato specifically.
Nope I bombed out - no idea what the association of the 6 letter word was with potato
Good point on OpenPGP. I suppose I already do my mails with OpenPGP in Proton Mail (using my own key that is already uploaded). But something to keep in mind yes.
Seems it fits on a lanyard string from what I see of the other photos. A keyring is thicker and would put twisting force on it, yes. So, seems the lanyard type connector may be better for long term use.
I suppose having a short summary with the post would go a long way in helping everyone decide whether to watch it or not. I do wish everyone would put summaries in, as too many just comment on the headline without even following the link. For me, what is always important before following it is, why would it be of interest to be to follow it further.
No they don’t have a central managed hosting, and that is the point they are making. It is intended for someone to host for their family and friends. There may be some hosting it at various places but no central list you can find them on. Those sites, of course, will federate with other Fediverse networks, but no-one will necessarily even know they are GoToSocial nodes.
Yes, but it is a bit unusual for a “beta” to be the stable version, when there is a such a thing as “stable”. Beta is normally taken to be a testing version, between alpha and stable releases. But it shows we can’t just go on our own assumptions about what alpha and beta mean.
Yes I think they’re meaning they’re still adding lots of new features possibly, but it is a bit confusing as I think of Alpha as raw and not production ready. Beta can be ready for testing with brand new features, and stable is usually production ready and all features already passed beta testing. I get it is for home use but still. Maybe they’re covering themselves legally, but then you can just say “use at your own risk”. It’s possible too they don’t have separate branches at all, and just add/update/fix the “alpha” version.
From their site: “It is already deployable and useable, and it federates cleanly with many other Fediverse servers (not yet all). However, many things are not yet implemented, and there are plenty of bugs! We foresee entering beta around the beginning of 2024.”. I would say it should be described more as beta by now from that description.
Gmail was in beta for many years whilst it was in production, and Meshtastic only has alpha and beta releases, with no “stable” release. I think some projects feel if they are still adding features it says in beta and never reall is in stable until they stop adding features. But yes they should actually iterate through alpha, beta, RC, stable. Not everyone does, though.
Let’s agree on newer. It is not even in stable release yet, and until this week I’d not even heard about it anywhere else.
Yes, as there is full control over what is exposed or mapped for the app including network ports, and future updates don’t get broken by inconsistent dependencies. I suppose if you run only one service on a machine and stick to standard ports for reverse proxying then maybe a binary install can be simpler. But if you want to install multiple apps ona server containers does become easier to manage and update.
Could be yes - although I seem to think with my transfer from one Samsung to another it brought the files and settings over. Can’t remember for sure now as was over a year ago, but I did not recall any major issue.