Predictably, executive leadership has taken an official stance of sticking fingers in their ears and going “LALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU.”
Oh god, please don’t make me talk about myself.
Predictably, executive leadership has taken an official stance of sticking fingers in their ears and going “LALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU.”
If the bar lets Nazis in, it’s a Nazi bar. Good on them for refusing to be a Nazi bar.
Started HRT yesterday. I’m really, really hoping that I can end a decade-long plus dissociation and stop feeling like a walking ghost. Here’s hoping.
Hey here’s an idea, maybe the three-ton 80 MPH death machine shouldn’t be connected to an internet that pushes updates that can render it inoperable?
I do not want touchscreens in the console of my car that will likely start pushing ads while I am barreling down the highway after reminding me to keep my eyes on the road. I want buttons and dials that do exactly what I want when I push and twist them, or better yet, reliable high speed mass transit, where I do not have to worry about any of that shit.
Guy who doesn’t know how to write software uses GenAI to make software that he then puts up for sale, and brags about not knowing how to write software.
People buy his software and, intentionally or not, start poking holes in it by using it in ways neither he nor the GenAI anticipated. Guy panics because he has no clue how to fix it.
To be honest, I’m surprised they still did after 2016.
To be fair, that is exactly what I do some days after work because this shit is needlessly exhausting. I think I need like a year of sickly Victorian style bedrest because I have been so burned out for so long that I don’t really have much of a sense of self at this point.
You know, the fucked up thing about it all is I was always told that the kind of delayed gratification that came from major accomplishments like a college degree, a steady career, a comfortable savings account, would all outweigh the fleeting pleasure of parties and stupid little trinkets and other such fun. I wish I had taken so much more time for myself because I burned out so hard achieving some of these things and failing to achieve others that I struggle deeply to imagine a future with me in it.
I hope whatever youth is left in the world spends their time having fun. I hope their lives are worth living now, and that mine will be someday too.
The botanicals orchid set that was at Costco alongside the lucky bamboo.
Ketamine/Stimulant abuse. Elmo’s probably not doing so hot since he’s realized coups are actual work and not just shitposting thirty tweets and hour.
I’d like to point out that “do what you can” doesn’t even necessarily mean trying to prevent or impede climate change directly. It can also mean building community and providing comfort and protection from the worst effects of climate change to the people you care about.
God if someone could get in and wipe out student loans, I would be so happy.
People could avoid paying $70 for bad games by not preordering. Like seriously, it takes maybe two hours after release for the criticism to start pouring in.
I actually still have a copy of “The Warlock of Firetop Mountain” that came as a preorder bonus for the game for the DS. The books was miles better, ironically.
I mean, the major issue there is “toilet equipped with an automatic cleaning and recovery module.” That is gonna be a huge expenditure for even one toilet in-home, and you’re not always at home when nature calls.
I think it’d be more feasible for the health tracking device to embed itself in your stomach or intestines somewhere so that it just doesn’t pass through, notwithstanding all the sanitation issues that arise from trying to implant something internally where all your food/waste passes through.
I’m 32 years old and at about a 5 on the Norwood scale and I started taking minoxidil and finasteride, and reaching out to Planned Parenthood to talk about getting on E, all because I saw pictures of people who were older and balder than me when they started transitioning and they’re beautiful.
There is still time.
Jesus fuck the mold. There’s so much in there, that slumlord might start trying to charge it rent.
He’s gonna fucking croak this term, why are they trying to make a dead guy president forever?
Yeah, I remember in 2016 when the Hillary campaign’s response to “Make America Great Again” was “America is Already Great” and man did that go over like a lead balloon. Democrats fucking love to pretend everything is okay.
First week on Spiro and E. My skin is already a lot softer, I think? And it’s hard to tell if it’s real or just placebo, but I kind of do feel a little more ‘me.’ I still don’t like looking in the mirror though.