I hope whatever happens, the world can find some more stability, peace, and freedom soon. This decade will be spoken about for the next couple hundred years at least.
I hope whatever happens, the world can find some more stability, peace, and freedom soon. This decade will be spoken about for the next couple hundred years at least.
I don’t think you’re fear mongering. Trump said it himself. He said if people voted for him that they “would not have to vote anymore.” That’s pretty clear-cut to me.
I anticipate that there will be a civilar war of some sort. Or a military coup.
They might do a mock election similar to Russia.
I hadn’t tried it on mobile but I’m not seeing the settings for it either. I might be blind
Brains and eggs seems very wrong lol. I’m assuming health reasons are why it’s no longer a thing.
I have eaten or seen a number of these things on the list. However, a few are things my parents would eat or do make and eat from time to time. I often wonder how many of these dishes I’ll continue to make or if I’ll stop having them once my parents have passed on. Weird to think about. Sorry for the existential thought.
This list also made me think of local bakeries. We have them in my city, but to go to an actual local, not corporate owned bakery, I think I would need to travel at least 15 to 20 minutes by car? I would love to be able to get fresh pastries.
I knew they would be killing people. I just didn’t expect it to be this fast. It sucks that there’s realistically not much that I can physically do other than spread the word that shit like this is happening and boycotting American products. It doesn’t feel like it’s enough
I haven’t been able to speak to a ton of people outside my immediate bubble. But people seem to be tense when it comes to talking about the States invading Canada. Sure, some laugh at it, but I think most seem to be taking it seriously and are nervous. Everyone’s demeanor has changed towards the states.
I find it hard to imagine what we would do if the states invaded. I don’t think we would have enough time to mobilize any kind of substantial resistance unless NATO was able to immediately intercept. There’s just far too much landmass, and the American army outnumbers us in every way.
I would like to think the American military would disobey. But who knows at this point.
I didn’t realize Firefox could do that! Been using it for a year now lol. Very cool. Thank you!
Thank you very much!
Is there a way around the pay wall?
You are fighting. Maybe not in a physical sense, but you’re doing good work. Spreading information can lead to people taking actions. And that can lead to change. We all have a role to play
Can’t seem to catch a break, huh? Why can’t we just have nice things?
Which brings us back to the core question: how could these Democratic Senators support a plan that would simultaneously give Donald Trump unprecedented censorship powers while also consolidating Meta’s control over online speech?
The evidence suggests they simply don’t understand what they’re doing. Each of these Senators has a documented history of fundamental confusion about Section 230 and how the internet works:
Richard Blumenthal has been getting Section 230 wrong since his days as Connecticut’s AG in the early 2000s.
Sheldon Whitehouse’s chapter on free speech revealed such profound confusion about Section 230 that it’s hard to believe he’s actually read the law.
We’ve already covered Durbin and Klobuchar’s dangerous misunderstandings.
I’m sure glad they’re the representatives standing up for democracy haha right guys?
I would rather have a more progressive option. But if it’s liberals or cons, I’m going to go with the less evil of the two. I really hope we don’t end up like America. I hope we can maintain our freedoms. Otherwise, I see no other options than to flee somewhere safer, but I doubt that’s practical or even possible.
I have one but I never use it? It just seems super dystopian to me. I sometimes see that coworks are using it fairly regularly, and I don’t understand. It’s like Facebook nonsense with a corporate twist. It’s so weird, but I guess it makes sense if you want to fall into the “yes man” bootlicking management type role
Lol yes, that was going to be the one downside I was going to mention. I wasn’t sure if it was just unique to my situation, but I found it would lead me down a logical path. It would ask me if I had tried various solutions.
Eventually, I would hit a point where it wouldn’t know where to go any further, and it would land on “here’s some things you can do” but those options would be things I was actively trying and failing with.
So that was fun. In a way, it was great at confirming that I had thought of all the logical options.
I wish we had gotten that voting reform. Would be nice in a situation like this
Probably driving. There’s been a lot of close calls. People are so unpredictable. I’m stupid, we’re all stupid. Just apes with tools way too dangerous for our own good.
One time, I almost ended up in a knife fight, which would have been terrible. Thankfully, the other guy backed off, and nobody laid a finger on each other. It was such a stupid situation overall because it could have been avoided if I wasn’t put into the situation to begin with.
There were a few times when I was very sick, and without modern medicine, I likely would have died.
Overall, nothing really very exciting or interesting.
I’ve used one called PI which I’m assuming is some kind of branch off of chat gpt or something.
You don’t have to sign up or anything (for now) which is cool. But I assume they harvest all our data and information.
I tested to see if I could break it once, and from my brief tests, it seemed to never break out of character or tell me something bad or negative, which I thought was interesting(and good!)
I think I see what you’re getting at? My assumption is that you would need shit to get really bad for everyday people before you would see actual acts of physical resistance. At that point, you’re looking at full riots or civil war.
Right now, all that we can probably expect is some light protesting on the streets and maybe some minor civil disobedience.
That being said, that light protesting can be a catalyst and is still helpful, even if it seems lackluster
Fascists in action huh. We need more of this kind of footage.
We need to catch these fascist tripping in a George Floyd type incident. Get people upset enough to commit to action. This seems too calm for people to get enraged.
Her lawyer said: “We are unaware of her whereabouts and have not been able to contact her,” “No charges have been filed against Rumeysa to date that we are aware of.”