Joining the parent club in about 3 months, but in preparation, I’ve purchased a “Couchmaster lapboard” and I cannot recommend it enough. Having shoulder support basically makes it feel like you’re sitting at your desk but comfortably on the couch. The only issue is the couch itself; if it has a lot of bounce you’re gonna have a wobbly desk any time someone sits / stands up from the couch.
Btw I’ve since found you can pretty much just buy some upholstery foam, cut it, put a plank over it and have your very own “Couchmaster” for roughly $20 instead of $200…
I’m not too worried. I’m already gaming less and less just out of personal lack of interest. Modern games just don’t do it for me, and I’ve accepted I have become part of an older generation. Once in a while it’s fun to play a new (or old) game that piques my interest, and when I have some time to kill I might play a round of Overwatch.
But yeah totally recognize that for those who still game many hours a day there’s not going to be a perfect solution. Your gaming hobby WILL suffer. But that’s probably a good thing; tiny human is the bigger priority (until they’re old enough for player two…).