No, sorry, never watched that. ^^
No, sorry, never watched that. ^^
Yea, dried cornflower. Choice of snacks for the day.
Cleaned for photo op of course. ;)
I don’t know the video you are talking about, but the piece of clothing this hats developed from is called gugel. Someone decided to wear the part for the face on the head, and fancy fashion it became.
Outs love the occasional cardboard. :D I’m sure your bunnies are living their best life nonetheless.
That’s too bad for them. But they will get more furniture someday, I’m sure of it. ^^ Did you consider building something yourself? (given the possibility) I’m planning to do this, as soon as I got the time for it. I find the prices for some cheap boards put together quite high. It shouldn’t be too hard, I think.
Thanks a lot for this. It has actually more tools than just the to-do list, like rewriting text in different styles or a kitchen helper, where you enter ingredients and equipment you have and get recommendations for what to cook.
You don’t. We have three fluffballs here. :)
I agree with the other Assassins creed games. At least with Odyssey, that’s what I played most. You can explore all of ancient Greece and there are lots of really good and fun side quests. Just don’t think of it as a pure stealth game, like the first game was, more like an action adventure with stealth elements, or you might be a bit disappointed.
Well, of course I did! Look at her, how could I not?
When they show up for a treat they actually behave quite fine. Showing up, some looking around and waiting for the snackgiver to give some snacks. But when they know I’m preparing their breakfast in the morning they can go absolutely berserk sometimes.
This is what I would have mentioned here, too. There is also an official full video of this show online. If you like this kind of music I really recommend going to a live concert if you have the possibility… It is just a whole new experience compared to watching/listening to the recording. For me it finally took the place of best show ever from Therion.
Just idling until new food arrives.
Oh, I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for the heads up, please ignore my previous comment then. :D
I agree with you that a mandatory money barrier would split this community in an unnecessary way. Maybe setting up a patreon account for Beehaw would be a solution? Only those who can and want to afford a monthly payment would participate, but it would create a bit of financial planning stability, contrary to individual one-time donations.
Klingt wie ein österreichisches Wort, das genau diese Bedeutung haben könnte.
It’s very important, seems like she’s approving it.
I wonder how many people will notice all three piggies in that picture.
Sorry to hear that. I love this video, having so many (and the space for them) is my dream, too. At least ours had pumpkin today. :D
See my other comment here for clarification on the name. ^^
Ah, sorry for the confusion. His name is Mochi. HE wants to talk about parsley. Because he wants more of it. And then Some more. Really, of our three he is most fond of all kinds of herbs. Parsley, mint, cilantro, dill - his favourite foods.
Why the Whataboutism?
Also, mind to explain how it is the fault of the EU for Russia starting a war against another country?