I used to spend hours editing metadata for my music library on my computer but it was a constant uphill battle. My “various artists” and “unknown album” are still a mess.
I used to spend hours editing metadata for my music library on my computer but it was a constant uphill battle. My “various artists” and “unknown album” are still a mess.
I accidentally downloaded a version of Du Hast back in the day that had a whole bunch of StarCraft unit quotes mixed into it that my dad fell in love with, despite never playing StarCraft. He literally likes it better than the real version lol.
I use mine in my car as well, it still works fine though. My car is from that weird era where cars had Bluetooth connectivity with phones but it doesn’t work well enough to where I can just hop in my car and have it work, so if I’m in a rush and can’t set my phone up I’ll just throw on one of my iPod playlists and I’m all good!
15 hours? Try two hours the night before it’s due. One year I recycled my older brother’s project (my parents encouraged this behavior.)
I did not succeed in college.
Love the couple that were super impressed by the guy drifting lol
That show was so underrated. Pity it ended so quickly.
I can third it. It totally feels like you’re playing an RTS but without having to study build orders and practice your micro.
If anyone out there has never played Minecraft with a group you have got to give it a shot. Exploring and building together is really so much fun, it can’t be understated!
Usually I get a few friends to play on a realm or something but they always lose interest after a couple weeks. I just joined a more regular playgroup with a well maintained server, though, and it’s some of the most fun I’ve ever had in Minecraft.
It’s the only way I can get my partner to play board games with me, which is really disappointing because I absolutely love the tactility of game pieces. It saves the trouble of cleaning off a play area and setting up and breaking down the games but that never really bothered me.
I love me an underrated Bug superstar. In Black I used a Leavanny as mine and it cleaned house. When I played Omega Ruby my Masquerain carried my team and took me totally by surprise.
Big eyebrow raise at having Piers Anthony on there. Loved his books as a teen but looking back they are just gross. The Xanth books are relatively tame compared to some of his stuff but I would still never recommend them.
I love that Jonathan Strange is on there though, what a fantastic book.
And God forbid you look for anything involving troubleshooting your home network. Good luck sorting through pages and pages of the same copy and pasted article telling you how to restart your router.
The half life games are right at the limit for me in terms of scary video games. They tread the line just enough imo. I think it’s because it’s not just horror the whole time, there’s tons of non scary puzzles and gun-slinging going on to cool down.
Yeah the irony is that the Fallout games have some of the best environmental storytelling in all of gaming but without storytelling storytelling it’s just like white noise lol
Well I would hope so for accessibility’s sake
My girlfriend and I played through the quest line of where we started in Morrowind (I think?) and had a blast, but once we left we were totally lost! I was really engrossed with the story but all of a sudden we’re just doing something completely different. I was quite disappointed and it left me wondering if we had done something wrong or out of order.
Wow I’m so surprised someone beat me to MC Lars and Frontalot haha. Glad to see another Nerdcore enjoyer in the wild.
If you like Rimworld the Pete Completes series is pretty good. He puts a narrative focus on his playthroughs which makes them super watchable!
It’s a huge multimedia franchise and the de-facto video game that people think of when you mention games. It’s got to be SMB.