The green is reflecting from the roof color of the structure they are underneath! They seem to be black and/or extremely dark brown that looks black.
Goof. Have your opinions, but do no harm.
The green is reflecting from the roof color of the structure they are underneath! They seem to be black and/or extremely dark brown that looks black.
No, the green is reflecting from the roof of the structure!
The eyes were also throwing me off because they’re darker than adult grackles I see.
I have to re-buy games I already own? 🫠
1994 - 1996 and beyond. Originally played on Win98, currently on Win10. Trying out several different CDROMS, but I’ve been testing out an old “Learning in Toyland” CD, but I also have an old “Yukon Trail” CD I’m trying to boot up.
I’ve tried DOSBOX, but I keep getting messages like “requires Windows” or whatnot. Like HOE, I HAVE WINDOWS AND IT DON’T EVEN WORK
It’s a [hug] emote.
There is a singular niche community that I involve myself with where I pop in and make highly desired items to give away for free.
It makes me feel like people care about me for a while. For now, that’s good enough for me.
We love us some garters! Kid loves snakes and is studying before he gets one for himself one day. Thank you!
I put that in the post body. The kid got a lecture about handling strange wildlife.
We have one venomous snake in Michigan, I believe.
I thought that might be it!
Think there’s only one venomous snake in Michigan, and it didn’t look like that, so I figured it was safe. But you never know! Gotta be safe, yeah?
Thank you!
Money and good health insurance. Seriously, it would help me out so dang much.
I have pretty bad PTSD, which has made it near impossible to make real, human connections. If I could get out of my own head, I feel like my life might be able to improve.
I have a house of my own, though. I feel like having your own space contributes a lot to self-improvement and peace, tbh. I am extremely fortunate.
Imagine a business essentially telling a group of people that they don’t even consider them human.
I’m sure that if they get backlash they will cry about persecution and “cancel culture”. Real damn sick of it.
My kid was in first grade at the time. I got a note home about disciplinary action and was puzzled, as my kid is very mild-mannered and hates getting into trouble.
He was written up for: “banging on the bathroom door while kindergartener was inside and yelling ‘You can’t take all day in there, kid, some of us gotta go!!!’”
I nearly died laughing and then had a talk with my kid about how not to handle an urgent bathroom request.
I literally ripped up a giant amount of my lawn to put in a shitty but sizable wildflower garden. Also ripped up almost the entire perimeter and put in an unreasonable amount of lilies to surround my property.
All because when I moved in, I saw people just casually cutting through my yard.
The most adorable snap-crackle-pop ankles.
I hope this fucking clown-house leads to laws being passed protecting workers from this kind of shit in the future.
For real, this deep-fried dumpster fuck needs to leave the planet.
I’m shocked at how many of y’all work in tech/computers.
I probably shouldn’t be, but I am.
I got one of these, too!
With the HDMI, I just use adblock to watch all my media ad-free & play all my Steam games from my couch. Absolutely wonderful!
That’s so stinkin’ cool!!
It can move the wing, but it droops down & sometimes shakes (I think the bird might be using it too much). I might try yet another kind of bandage and pray that they don’t get their feet caught up in it when I wrap the wing to the body.
Thank you for your kindness. I’m trying to do the right thing, but it’s difficult when I have to do things “legally”.
Obviously it’s an awful idea to let just anyone try to help wild animals, but I have a bit of experience with wildlife care & have an exotic animal of my own that requires special care. I can’t say I’m the best person to do this, but I at least know what to provide & how not to act around a wild animal. Ideally though, yes, they should absolutely go to an experienced rehabber, if one can be found.