• 14 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • It all the depends on the how and the what.

    First of all, if the virtual reality is able to replicate physical sensation indistinguishably from the physical world, it’s not virtual, then, is it? Then it’s just alternative reality. If that was the case, the only dilemma would be the implications to the physical world. Will your body still exist, or are we talking San Junipero here?

    As long as there are implications to the real world, then I believe a significant percentage of people will not abandon it, because of empathy.

    I personally would only live an alternative reality if there was no one I love back in the real world anymore, or if I were to die.

    As for virtual reality in the realm of possibilities, there will always be something missing, as addictive as it may be, so there will always be something to bring you back to reality

    As for just trying it, hell yeah! As long as there are no negative consequences that I know of before hand.

  • Snow crash came in more as a parody of the genre that was getting saturated at the time, according to testimonies I have found at least. Neal Stephenson also leans more towards the comedy side of things, so this mixture made for a weird story overall, but still remarkable.

    As for Neuromancer, yes, Gibson’s writing is difficult to get into, it’s like whiskey. If you are into audiobook, I’d recommend this version where he does the reading. His writing style is much more understandable when he speaks it. :)

  • EXAPUNK - 50% - 96% Positive

    If you like old time puzzle games, and have a pinch for programming, then you will love this. In this game you control bots by creating algorithms to extract data and other challenges. The cool part is you must study the game language and learn the lore from manuals and magazines that the game provides.

    SHENZHEN I/O - 50% - 93% Positive

    From the same creator of EXAPUNK, only the thematic here is electronics.

    Road 96 - 50% 91% Positive

    Summer 1996, Today is the day! You hit the road. Adventure. Freedom. Escape. Run. Flee the Regime. Try to survive.

    On this risky road trip to the border, you’ll meet incredible characters, and discover their intertwined stories and secrets in an ever-evolving adventure. But every mile opens up a choice to make. Your decisions will change your adventure, change the people you meet, maybe even change the world.

  • There are a few books I like to relive every now and then. For me, it’s a guilty pleasure, to be honest. Wish I could do it more often, and for more books.

    The ones that come to mind are Little Brother, by mr. Doctorow, Sandman by mr. Gaiman (mostly the Death chapters) and… Let’s see… Ah, yes, Neuromancer, because I’m a sucker for mainstream books, and that’s the one that got me through life.