I knew he was an ass, but this takes it to an entirely new level. Almost every expert in the matter was telling Stockton Rush that the Titan would implode and he ignored them for over 6 years. Not only that, he actively sued a whistleblower and essentially threatened him with bankruptcy to prevent him from going public with the very legitimate safety concerns. And he also organized the dives and payments in such away as to avoid any kind of regulation or penalty whatsoever.
Love the game, played it Early Access back in April. The game seems to break out new game mechanics as one-offs in the progression of the main storyline. The Out of Water mechanics that are repeated are fine for what they are - Busy work to get resources for better stuff. They weren’t add ons at the end, I think they were there from the beginning. I’d say it’s between this game and TotK for my favorite games of the past few years.