Plenty of spells cast as a bonus action. With a cleric I can cast Spirt Guardians and Spiritual Weapon on the same turn. Or polymorph and mass cure wounds. It makes a significant difference for bonus action spells.
Plenty of spells cast as a bonus action. With a cleric I can cast Spirt Guardians and Spiritual Weapon on the same turn. Or polymorph and mass cure wounds. It makes a significant difference for bonus action spells.
Maybe it’s not what you’re saying but how you’re saying it.
The most significant change I noticed was you can cast any number of leveled spells per turn. That’s a pretty significant shift from 5e’s rule of only one leveled spell (excluding using action surge if you dip into fighter) per turn.
However it makes the player stronger so I doubt anyone is really complaining about it.
But anywhere within the screen. 120ft would be far more than you can view surrounding your character.
Does breaking your oath make you an Oathbreaker in BG3? Because that’s not how Oathbreaker works in 5e.
A Paladin who forsakes their oath would just be a fighter. Oathbreakers are specifically Paladins who call upon the forces of evil for their strength rather than the divine. They don’t just break their oath, but twist and pervert it for some dark power.
One of the biggest changes is ranges of attacks. An Eldritch Blast has a range of 120ft in 5e. In BG3 all ranged attacks have been significantly shortened (less than half for Eldritch Blast) so they can’t be targeted “off screen”.
As a design philosophy, Larian dislikes people being hit by attacks from off screen so they limited the length of ranged attacks.
No hate like Christian love
When the iPhones and fast food are gone, people will stand up and fight back. Until then it seems most people can’t be bothered to care.
Why do you say “female” but follow it with “men” instead of “male”? Makes you seem like an incel or some men’s rights nut job.
We need ranked choice voting. Leftist parties dividing shouldn’t mean that pseudo-fascists win every election. This only happens because we use first-past-the-post voting systems.
“Decided we fall” 👀
Smash Bros? Plenty of people play it as a competitive fighting game while others just like to goof around with their friends.
Apparently America only elects milk toast centrists or right wing lunatics. Genuinely progressive politicians are completely out of the question.
Because they are deeply insecure losers who only feel okay when they lash out at others.
Unfortunately auto manufacturers have lobbied billions of dollars to make sure that never happens. Plenty of us would love to try it, but as long as money rules politics it will never happen.
Happy to help! :]
I think so. It’s the story of a punk kid who dies pushing a small child out of the way of a speeding car. Because he died committing a selfless act he gets a chance to earn his life back.
This leads to him being a “spirit investigator” where he has to track down rogue spirits and other evil influences of the “other world”. There’s a lot more to the show too, but I don’t want to spoil anything. I’d say it’s definitely worth a watch.
I mean you say “of course everyone deserves equal rights” but the Republican Party actively fights against them.
My best friend is trans and the conservative ideology says that she should live her life in shame, or not exist at all according to some.
There’s just no room for me to want to be nuanced with anyone who supports that message. If you vote Republican then you support oppressing LGBTQ+ people and I cannot be okay with that.
Eh if you want to scratch that itch I’d say just watch Yu Yu Hakusho instead. It’s slow to start in season 1 but it has the best animated martial arts combat I’ve ever seen. Absolutely worth a watch IMO
It gets a little silly if you exploit it. Sorcerer can get pretty ridiculous.