I’m a lumberjack and I’m ok.
Sculpture Fall on the Barton Springs Greenbelt.
Went there last week. Enough water to take a dip but not near as beautiful as it was 2 years ago.
I grew up conservative evangelical (like I was a missionary on three continents) and ended up in very progressive and flamboyantly affirming UMC church. I’m agnostic to the existence of an afterlife and believe in God probably 51% of the time. I decided I would only go to a church that I would still be ok with being around those people the 49% of the time I think it’s BS.
UMC congregation has fit the bill. Fully embracing LGBT+ community and accepted science, psychology, etc. Extremely diligent in protecting vulnerable people and children from abuse. They view the Bible as a complicated book of people writing about God, not the inerrant word of God. The purpose is self improvement and community care with Jesus as the example.
That’s not a bad idea. Tax rate is X. First house is X. Second house is XY, third house is XY*Y, etc.
Problem is property rates are usually city, county, state so you’re not going to see consistency between them.
I deal with a lot of small business owners and it’s amazing how many of them have second homes. These guys are well-off but not what you think of as ultra wealthy. I think housing has been such a high-return investment that both corporations and individuals have been buying up houses they don’t need.
Most states in the US I believe have homestead exemptions for property tax on your primary residence. Maybe if they just jacked the prop tax way up on anyone or entity that owns more than one single family property that would make it a less enticing investment.
I don’t disagree. I also don’t think think this law will work.
But I have to say as a parent of 3 tween kids it is damn hard to monitor what they consume. If I had one, I could maybe keep up but there are so many apps and so many devices.
Ok, you’ve got parent controls on the iOS devices that sync but those don’t sync with the Chromebooks or the Rokus or Kindles in the house.
Great, got YouTube setup with parental controls but my artist child wants to watch painting tutorials but for whatever reason YouTube kids block those. Ok now, changed that on the tv but they want to paint on the back porch so I have to switch it iPad… as nauseam.
And as far as teaching kids to be safe online, yes that’s important but kids are also smart but inexperienced humans who get curious or find something new you hadn’t thought of.
In conclusion: real problem without easy solutions. This law is a half assed attempt at one.
For me, it’s all the variety of niches. I have a small custom electronics company. I occasionally will post a question in r/smallbusiness, r/electronics, or r/projectmanagement.
It’s going to be awhile until we have all those communities in the Fediverse.
Also, I like Reddit UI better. I think as Lemmy gains more people and more options on UI it’ll naturally be better.
So if we spent the same as the next 3 countries combined how much power would we lose? That would save us $425B a year.
PRINTER!! Everyone hates them. If you could just 3D print updates to make it better the collective offices of the world would sigh in relief.
I also wonder if a higher and stricter but still progressive inheritance tax would be one of the simplest ways to slow down wealth inequality over time. Will take several generations.
Had conversation with a friend who will inherit a farm about this. He brought up the “If I had to pay 60% tax on inheriting the farm I’d have to sell it” argument. I pointed out that you could easily get a mortgage on the farm to pay the 60% tax and it’s more like you’re getting a farm you did nothing to earn for a 40% discount.
I typically bring up email. I can have Gmail, you can have Yahoo mail, and Jimmy can have his home made email server and we can all email each other.
I like this. If done right, I’m sure it would be complex and almost impossible to not miss someone. But doing nothing seems worse.
Repairable customizable car platform. Something that could be configured with many features and repowered as technology improves. There’s no reason a well built car couldn’t last 100 years.
Reperations for the descendants of slaves seem warranted but what about black people who were not direct descendent s of slaves but still had disadvantages because of past and present racist laws?
Edit: spelling
I think is better to think of a 30-35 hours whenever you want to. Typically performed sometime between 9-5 M-F because that’s when customers, vendors, coworkers are often working too. But if it’s a beautiful day on a Tuesday maybe you just hit your two hours of important meeting and then go outside for the rest of the day.
Or your kids has a school play so you work just an afternoon one day.
At least that’s what I like…
Aww man. And just when I thought I was getting the hang of this, lol