gestures in the direction of France If only we could do that
gestures in the direction of France If only we could do that
That’s the balance of it…the longer you take the more upgrades you’ll need to survive but you don’t want to instantly activate the teleporter since the boss will be tough
Embracer / THQNordic mentioned last year they had interest and basically wanted to do where cyberpunk failed expectations
Couldn’t have said it better myself
It was pretty “mid” for most but I have a soft spot for Time Hollow on the DS. It’s a pretty penny now to play it legitimately but there are ways around this.
Spez has already said that doing this {when talking about Apollo} is “not allowed”, so likely this method will get blocked or your account will get banned. You’re here now so IMO it doesn’t matter
hopefully soon we can implement anti-adblocking scripts as well
just think of all the money that this game had poured into it…and the failure is why the Embracer Group (THQNordic) is cancelling games and re-prioritizing it’s studios.
I’m gonna be livid if my Deus Ex Reboot / 3rd sequel got cancelled because of this…
SCOTUS decisions…pretty s–t
I slept on Prey so so long because I was pissed at Pete Hines for basically cancelling Prey 2 (the OG) when the rumors are it was practically finished
Then I saw it dirt cheap on Steam and got it and my god it was the System Shock game that I wanted. Couldn’t stop playing it until I beat it. Sad we’ll never get a sequel
Risk of Rain 2 is great. so addictive
man I am the same way with this but with live service and PVP games. I absolutely hate playing with other real players since likely i’m getting matched by folks that have a lot more time to play than me…and most of them have manipulative games as a service function that I can see right through
They tried to usurp on the state level too with Harper Vs. Moore…thank goodness only 2 judges need their head examined.
the saddest part is that the “chud” group say that “I shouldn’t have to pay for your debt”
That mentality is why we will never have Medicare for all like the rest of the world.
does switching to iOS count? LOL…I don’t even use my gmail much anymore and the biggest “google” service I use still is…YouTube
Guinea pig!!