•  Dubious_Fart   ( @Dubious_Fart@lemmy.ml ) 
    1 year ago

    Once, 2ish years ago I think by now? I was trying to clean up all the shit I installed to compile something because it wasnt available on apt, had a repository, or had a .deb (I was on ubuntu at the time).

    I mistyped something and ended up removing Python. Got no warning, no red text, no nothing. It just uninstalled it as if it was nothing.

    I rebooted, and learned that a lot of fucking shit depends on python. because I no longer had a DE and could only boot into a terminal. after 2 hours of trying to unfuck it, I just used a live cd to save what files I could and reinstalled.

    Oh, and I never got the program compiled and working. and never tried again on the fresh install. I dont even remember what it was now. Something for gaming, probably.