• You have fallen for wealthy classes trap.

    Hope you keep learning!

    "Problem 1: Never trust a billionaire. Problem 2: When a billionaire starts a fund, DON’T GIVE THEM MONEY. Problem 3: How do you think a billionaire becomes a billionaire?

    Thank you Sabby for exposing these rich frauds.



    If you don’t know how the wealthy class use non-profits and other “philanthropy” to funnel money, here is a clip below that explains.

    Oprah’s Maui Fund QUESTIONED (clip)


    • Miss me with youtube, I’m not giving them clicks.

      I honestly dont care either. I get sick of people telling others how they should live and what they should do with their own money. Be happy they donated 10 mil. That can do a lot of good.

      If people are willing to tell others how to spend their own money, they should also accept others telling them how to use their money too.

      Its like the free speech bullshit. People think it’s fine to police others speech just because they don’t like what they’re saying, but if someone tried to police their speech they get butthurt. Stop trying to police people and just be happy when someone does something good.