• Your point? Would you donate half of everything you own or all of it? Probably not. At least they’re helping.

        People complaining about rich people not donating more are hypocrites, cause I don’t see any of you donating too or donating the percentage of what you earn/ have in the bank that you think they should be donating.

          • I feel you. Me too.

            That’s why it’s good that people are donating to funds like these. Celebs donate big amounts. Even if it’s less that 1% of their worth. Who cares? It’s 10mil, that’s a lot of money and can do a lot of good.

            My point was, I notice the people who screech about celebs not donating enough either don’t donate themselves or wouldn’t even consider donating the percentage of their money that they feel these people should be donating. It’s hypocritical.

            The rock is a good person, he’s worked to get where he is. He’s entitled to his money just like every other Tom, dick and harry is.

            As much as I dislike shitty rich people, looking at you Elon, it’s still their money. And if we screech about how they should spend their money, it’s only fair that we can then be told how to use ours too. Would it be nice if people like him used money for good, yes of course. But end of the day, it’s their money to do with as they choose. And even a donation that isn’t huge to them, is huge to others in need. So it shouldn’t be complained about. It should be seen as good.

        • You have fallen for wealthy classes trap.

          Hope you keep learning!

          "Problem 1: Never trust a billionaire. Problem 2: When a billionaire starts a fund, DON’T GIVE THEM MONEY. Problem 3: How do you think a billionaire becomes a billionaire?

          Thank you Sabby for exposing these rich frauds.



          If you don’t know how the wealthy class use non-profits and other “philanthropy” to funnel money, here is a clip below that explains.

          Oprah’s Maui Fund QUESTIONED (clip)


          • Miss me with youtube, I’m not giving them clicks.

            I honestly dont care either. I get sick of people telling others how they should live and what they should do with their own money. Be happy they donated 10 mil. That can do a lot of good.

            If people are willing to tell others how to spend their own money, they should also accept others telling them how to use their money too.

            Its like the free speech bullshit. People think it’s fine to police others speech just because they don’t like what they’re saying, but if someone tried to police their speech they get butthurt. Stop trying to police people and just be happy when someone does something good.

        • People complaining about rich people not donating more are hypocrites

          This is the trap of marketing and communication. They donate for the image, to hide the image of the rich disconnected from the reality of the poorer.

          I’m all for the rich to contribute to pay and help the people, but not through charity. The rich must be taxed, and these taxes serves to help with government jobs, so everyone has a word to say. With taxes, we help the poorer, we help in case of natural disasters, we found the researches, we give access to healthcare, we… With charity, we help the riches to keep an oppressive system of power over the poorest. It’s a system to keep the huge gap between rich and poor.

          • The rich are taxed. They pay way more than you do. They pay way more than the non rich people combined. The top 10 rich people pay more taxes than all the non rich people. So don’t come at me about taxes. Your tax contribution is basically nothing. Whereas they pay insane amounts.

            In my country. You pay 40% tax if you earn over 100k a year. Which isn’t even rich, but you basically give up nearly half your wage you work fkn hard for. So don’t try pull the tax bullshit.

            • Do you honestly think someone who earns 100k a year works twice as hard as someone who earns 50k a year?

              And if the 50k earner only pays 20% and the 100k earner pays 40%, they are still earning 50% more than the low earner. Even theoretically it’s not particularly unfair.

            • Exactly this. Last year I paid so much in taxes that I almost had to cancel one of my ski trips to the Swiss alps and had to think really hard about whether to hold off on buying a new private jet (my old one is already several years old and it makes me feel embarrassed when my friends have a newer one than me).

              Meanwhile, lazy poors walk around crying like I’m not paying enough when what do they pay? A few thousand dollars? Basically they pay the price of one dinner? Stop complaining, ingrates!

        • I’m in debt and barely able to live. My retirement plan is basically to kill myself when I’m old.

          They have the means to donate far more and still live a life of opulent luxury, if anything need donations.

          So no, that’s a shit argument for why we should be happy they threw some scraps at the issue and asked others to donate their livelihood.

        • I agree with this so much. It is becomming a standard response. Like, let’s see you donate that percentage of your net worth (and oftentimes these people donate to multiple causes over the years). I’m also not saying ‘those poor multimillionnaires’, there is enough wrong worh our system. But they are doing something while you only go full keyboard warrior.

          • People keep bringing up “percentage” like it means anything at all. If I donated 10% of my net worth to Maui, I would have to skip groceries for a couple of months to get by. If Oprah were to donate 90% of her net worth, she would still have more money than I’ll ever see in my lifetime. Percentages mean nothing to the lifestyles of billionaires.

            • I never thought I would be sort of ‘defending’ extremely rich people on here. I guess my point is, we shouldn’t get distracted and entitled about how people who earned their money relatively fairly (as far as I know) by current society standards in the normal system should spend it, instead we should focus on reforming the system to one where inequality is less of a problem

          •  irmoz   ( @irmoz@reddthat.com ) 
            810 months ago

            It’s just not the same. If Oprah donated 50% of her money, she’d be fine. If I donated 50% of mine, I’d be fucked, and have to spend over a year getting it back.

            •  NotSpez   ( @NotSpez@lemm.ee ) 
              10 months ago

              I’m not disagreeing on the notion that she would be fine. And for the record, I am not a fan of glamourizing billionnaires at all. But someone who is poorer than you are (just the fact that you have acess to the internet suggest that stayistically many people in the world are worse off than you are) could say you would also be ‘fine’ giving away half your posessions.

              My point is don’t hate the player, hate the game. We need tax increases on wealth to invest heavily in education, infrastructure, health, social security. The current distribution of wealth is, in my view, ethically indifensible. But it sounds entitled to me when people just hate on these donators instead of the system that creates them or the rich assholes to donate to industry lobby instead of people in need

              • So we should… praise them for their donation even though they know they are materially contributing to wealth inequality in their country?

                Yes the rest of us are also part of a system of exploitation (and that’s bad and I hope you are all combating against it as best you can), but we’re much more beholden to it, seeing as how our actual survival requires full lifelong participation in that system.

                If there’s anyone that could be considered “above capitalism” it’s the billionaires. They actually have some individual power to shift the rules of the game they know is crooked. Or at least not take take take take and still want praise for giving away a micron of a rounding error of their wealth.

                • I don’t think my argument was a straw man fallacy, I was merely illustrating my point. But I do get that it is not the same, you and Oprah. Also, I didn’t see you criticising the system, just the one person. But I am fine to agree to disagree.

          • Exactly. I’m not saying poor rich folk. I just saying it’s nice they donated, and the amount can do a lot of good.

            I can’t afford to donate. So I’m thankful someone can. I swear these people would complain if a rich person just randomly gave them 10k, cause they could afford to give them more.

            • If I’m at a birthday party and we’re only getting cake crumbs and someone comes by and offers me a slice, then yeah it’s nice for me, but how can they afford to just be giving away cake at a crumb party? It’s not just charity, it’s inequality and people with more money want credit parting with the surplus they’ve accumulated.

              I’m not even talking about millionaires. They’re down here with the rest of us as far as I’m concerned. You can earn millions by directly working for it.

              But anyway when I give money to the local animal rescue, it stings a bit, because that’s money out of my pocket that I would have otherwise spent. And I’m well off compared to most.

              A billionaire is so far beyond that you may as well not even call it “money” for them, because it’s so different then what you or I associate with the term. Their lifestyle will never be at risk of having to change because they spent too much.

              They have insane, unethical, embarrassing, pernicious, criminal amounts of available capital.

            • Sure, you can be happy that they donated money to a cause. But billionaires are the reason donations and philanthropy are necessary in the first place. You don’t become a billionaire unless you’re doing unethical shit and/or exploiting a lot of people (there’s inheritance, but that’s another problematic topic altogether).

      • I mean if you have a car then 0.3% of your net worth is probably at least $1

        If you don’t want to donate $1 because you think someone else should be donating more then you’re worse than them

        I’m not saying you should, just that if you don’t you shouldn’t judge them

        • Yeah, nah mate.

          My bank balance is in the negatives until payday, when I get paid it’ll be back to negative within the week.

          I’ll fucking judge them until they’re no longer living multiple lifetimes of luxury while others suffer.

    • I copy paste one of my comments about charity:

      It creates a subordination to the rich. The poor will be dependant of the charity to live.

      The charities should not exist at all. It’s neoliberal to privatize everything so the state is smaller and smaller and create a direct control of the masses by the rich. This system is even more perverse. The rich can make the own rules and own regulations to give even more control on the poorer.

      The work done by the charity must be done by the state itself with it’s own employees. It finances these programs through the taxes and regulations. The state must be strong. You have your word here what’s not the case with charity.

      The best thing is to remunerate the work at its fair value. The workers thus recover the majority of the money earned by the company. This also solves the problem of profits and dividends.They are used to pay workers properly, which is not the case today.

  • Whenever a multibillion dollar celebrity or corporate entity appears overly concerned about a cause and is asking you to help donate, just remember that it’s only so they can write it off on their taxes and save a few bucks.

    If Walmart really cared about the Children’s Stollary Hospital, why the fuck don’t they donate even just a small fraction of their unimaginable wealth?

    • Statement is very true. Everytime my grocery store asks for donations at the cash, I just tell the cashier no and the billion dollar company should just do it themselves and not use me as a tax write off.

      They typically are shocked and don’t know how to reply. It’s quite amusing.

        • I do…don’t ask me to donate to a billionaire if you don’t want to hear my reason why I don’t. It’s always polite, you idiots seem to think I’m being an aggressive asshole.

          • As if the cashier is trying to engage in a discussion of class. As if they aren’t paid to ask. Just say no and feel secure with your own reasons without having to justify yourself. It’s like when I worked at ace hardware in high school and every boomer would need to tell me how dumb it is to phase out incandescent light bulbs. Trying to preach to someone about your convictions against their will is so pointless and annoying.

            • Or…I can address questions that are asked to me and provide me reasoning in a non condescending way to hopefully educate others on the subject…

              Who’s preaching…I’m not starting the topic of discussion, they are. In your words, they are being paid to start this conversation. I don’t go shopping to be asked to give money for nothing, so if they open with that discussion they will know my reasoning for not donating.

              Don’t see what your frustration with manufacture changes has to do with a company directly begging for free money from its customers but ok…

              • They must start the topic to have the job. They likely already know. They likely don’t care. Your game forces them to pretend to care. You are holding them hostage because their genuine reaction would be to ignore you but they can’t do that while working. You are causing them mental pain. You are forcing them to be something they aren’t until you leave.

                • And? No, the company’s game forced them to care by paying them to care. The company initiated contact with me, so I continued it. They are literally being paid to talk about this. I’m not holding them hostage at all.

                  Your mental paid is a retarded exaggeration. I’m sure the companies do way worse mental attacks then me calling their company shit

                  Also their company is forcing them to be someone and something they aren’t. I’m not. I’m playing along with THEIR bullshit.

                  You think your standing up for the cashier’s, but really your standing up for billionaires who would gladly kill you and sell your body for profit. Good job.

          • As others have said, you can only write off money you donate. They didn’t donate it, you did.

            Even if you gave it to them then they donate it, they’d have to count it as income and pay tax on it then donate it to get the tax break. But that’d just cancel itself out anyways.

            I have no idea why they ask for donations. Best guess is pr.

          • For years and years I thought that was how this worked. That you said you wanted to round up, and all of the money collected went into a pool that the company then used as a tax write off in one lump sum. So they were stealing your tax write off basically.

            Nope, that’s not actually how it works in the US (can’t speak for other counties). If you round up your transaction for charity, you’re eligible to write it off on your taxes as charity. Do most people? Nope. But could they? Yes! And some people even do save their receipts for this purpose.

            The company doesn’t get to write it off as their donation, because it’s not. For them it’s pretty neutral, they’re receiving funds and transferring them on behalf of the people who donated them.

            Note: I can’t speak for companies that do donations for nonprofits related to them. I assume it’s still neutral for them, since you definitely still can use it as your own tax write off, but I haven’t looked into that side.

            • The foundations are usually owned by the companies begging for money. They don’t do it to help the world, they do it for profit at their non-profit orgs.

              Pittance for the kids

              Raises for the ceos

              •  arglebargle   ( @westyvw@lemm.ee ) 
                110 months ago

                It’s much worse. Several companies orchestrate the giving for all those other companies.

                Except they are all for profit.

                The havenconferences and lectures and help gather more donations which they take a piece of… for profit.

      • Annoyed as fuck and wanting you to leave.

        Not shocked. Have a lot of replies, but not allowed to call anyone the R bomb either, so they’re usually holding their tongues.

        Being an asshole to the worker is the exact opposite of taking a “sharp witted and coy” shot at billionaires, but is just really fucking stupid.

        Thank you AnarchKaren.

        •  FiveMacs   ( @Fiivemacs@lemmy.ca ) 
          10 months ago

          Who said I was an asshole about it…stop assuming stuff, makes you stinky.

          The real asshole is the BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY ASKING FOR HANDOUTS and using underpayed employment to do it…

  • Last time I got a letter from one of the health orgs, I took the time to look up the person signing it who was a specialist on the topic. Turned out the bitch lived in a house worth enough that if I had it and sold it, I’d never have to work another day in my life. So, I googled her email and found it and then signed her up to a bunch of spam sites and nasty german scat/fisting.

      • Where I live, it’s definitely not a a crime, just a very big asshole move, which I completely own. But if you want to flip the script, I do have a big disclaimer on my mailbox outside my house that says “NO ADVERTISING/SOLICITING PLEASE”. One dick move deserves another in turn if you ask me.

        • I didn’t say it was against the law. I said it was sexual assault. Justifying it is disgusting. They upset you so you spam them with extreme porn, it’s such childish logic to justify scum behavior.

          I’d ask you to consider the inverse where you get spammed with snuff porn or something because you upset someone but I don’t think empathy is something you care about. Just assuaging your ego after feeling disrespected.

          You’re objectively a bad person based on your position.

          • So basically by your own admission, it’s not even illegal where you live, which makes that your opinion. Which makes you a bullshitter. That kind of makes your own little halo slide a bit to the side doesn’t it? Because what you did right now was spreading misinformation online with intent to shame. But you can’t shame me, because as I wrote before: I fully accept my actions and recognize them as a dick move. By my own morals, I find it absolutely acceptable of a response.

            But on the other hand, if you want to play devil’s advocate and paint strawmen situations, imagine someone who has severe anxiety about letters. Wouldn’t it be hypothetically a really big dick move to spam them with your shitty beggar ads while you sit around in your fucking house worth more than their life’s salary, enjoying your luxury?

            You see, once you start snowflaking, it never stops.

            • I never said it was illegal chucklenuts. I said it was despicable. Keep coping, it won’t end up making you a good person suddenly but at least everyone else can have a clear understanding of how disgusting you are.

              Your morals justify sexual assault and harassment. You’re a scum fuck with backwards self serving beliefs. You’ll never even see how gross you are because most people aren’t so pathetic to pull what you unashamedly admit to doing.

              By all means rant some more, it won’t change what you’ve already admitted too, it’ll just make you come across clearer as the sleazy loser you are.

              Edit: also what the fuck is that massive projection in your “devils advocate” bullshit? You sound even more unhinged.

              • Do you know the definition of an extremist mindset? The ability to think that you’re a perfect example of a good citizen, while acting like the people you hate. You are a perfect example of “the ends justify the means” while accusing me of the same. Hilarious. And you’re using phrases which accuse one of a crime, and then you refuse to admit you fucked up. Glorious. You know the difference between you and me is? I’m at least aware of the fact that I’m an asshole.

                • Did I say I was perfect?


                  What means am I justifying? You’re the one defending sexual harassment.

                  You’re trying so hard to turn something back on me when the reality is that you think sexual assault is funny and okay if the specific instance isn’t listed in legal documents in your geographic location.

                  The difference between us is that you think sexual harassment is justified if your precious ego is upset.

                  Keep trying, each of your diatribes have been more desperate to morally equivocate us and it’s hilarious watching you cope.

                  At the very least you’re perfectly okay with admitting what a waste of oxygen you are. Shame you don’t take the next step to self reflect on how you could not be an asshole.

                  The only thing more repugnant than an asshole is someone that gleefully wears the title with pride.

    • She owns land and has property all over the world.

      This is more than a person that “cares” for the people. They are using this tragedy to make money.

      The video talks about how they are funneling the money and how they will most likely use it, to be cear some money will go to the some people.

      If you don’t know how the wealthy class use non-profits and other “philanthropy” to funnel money, here is a clip below that explains.

      Oprah’s Maui Fund QUESTIONED (clip)


    • She didn’t give three shit’s about my whole nation burning to the ground but she needs you to give to her island luxury asap.

      That removed just bringing in the entitlement and cash savings.

  • What makes me laugh about this entire things is that if Oprah Winfrey & The Rock didn’t donate anything this conversation would not even be happening & I’m sure everyone here would be happier.

    Just nod, good for them, more money to Maui, move on lmao

  •  CCatMan   ( @CCatMan@lemmy.one ) 
    10 months ago

    donate all the time, but the US tax system caps my donation deduction to 650… Is there some loop hole where i can actuallly deduct evetything i donate?

    Edit: I see, i need to itemize…